المشاركات: 26
لغة: English
se (عرض الملف الشخصي) 5 أبريل، 2015 12:14:18 م
Here is not to criticize anyone but merely to give my two cents.
If anyone can use a few hours to go through the lernu forum or facebook groups, one can see the esperanto speakers are wasting too much time on minute items.
Arguments for personal reasons and beliefs take up a lot of spaces. What I am going to say is:
1. can the esperanto speakers pull together to do something, like a regional news portal via the free blog pages. Don't have to waste time and money to start a new page and later cannot sustain and all are gone. The Adsense from blogspot, according to some is not very easy to earn.
2. can the esperanto speakers of every field find some time, maybe one hour a week to write a piece of work.
For the movement activists,of course, on the streets to distribute the flyers, visiting the schools and clubs to give talks. Of course, online petition is a part of it. But most activists only think of the BIG issue but not looking at every aspects to be able to success. This petition receive bad support.
It is also sitting in front of the PC and writing like in this forum but it would be different from the influence. The blogspot can be managed by many people. The nanes of the contributors are appeared by the site.
If the Esperantujo can have various online articles and later could possible on print, it would be good. But now, what is important is to get and organised online news, education news, commercial news, sports,history,geography etc. The blogspot is free. I deleted my wordpress account due to stolen password and do not know whether they allow multiple users.
What the FAQ page let the lernu to arrange it or someone who want to help out, it is certainly welcome.
To waste time to read the articles and replies over the same topics is tired. Thus, don't blame not too many people are logging in lernu.
Not everyone likes FB, Twitter etc, therefore a blog page would be able for them to help to twit or share to promote the portal. It is unwise to do it alone like many bloggers. They are sharing their own thoughts are fine but what we would like to do is to share with the world for things not available locally, like the happenings in Europe, Africa or even Korea and Japan.
Tempodivalse (عرض الملف الشخصي) 5 أبريل، 2015 2:54:56 م
se:Sounds like an ideal use for Vikinovaĵoj! Run by the very stable Wikimedia Foundation, freely-licensed, anyone can just create an account and start contributing. No need to worry about server costs or ads. Community mostly gets to decide its own policies, structure, governance, etc.
1. can the esperanto speakers pull together to do something, like a regional news portal via the free blog pages. Don't have to waste time and money to start a new page and later cannot sustain and all are gone. The Adsense from blogspot, according to some is not very easy to earn.
I am hoping to raise some interest in "Esperanto Wikimedia" in the near future on Lernu and elsewhere. The big flagship project is Vikipedio, but there are other "sister projects" which could prove to be equally useful resources (e.g. Vikilibroj or Vikiversitato, for instructional material in Esperanto - a kind of informal "Esperanto college" ).
Alkanadi (عرض الملف الشخصي) 5 أبريل، 2015 4:37:43 م
Leke (عرض الملف الشخصي) 5 أبريل، 2015 5:51:08 م
Christa627 (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 أبريل، 2015 1:47:10 ص
se: This petition receive bad support.Oh, I wasn't even aware it had been made yet! So maybe it's not so much an issue of bad support, as of just not enough people knowing about it.
I signed the petition now

se (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 أبريل، 2015 3:59:40 ص
Christa627:Dankon, Thank you. In fact, it was posted in the Esperanto version of lernu, hoping more Esperantists can sign it but ...se: This petition receive bad support.Oh, I wasn't even aware it had been made yet! So maybe it's not so much an issue of bad support, as of just not enough people knowing about it.
I signed the petition now.
se (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 أبريل، 2015 4:09:05 ص
The blogspot has the mobile phone version but wiki org has no such facilities.
If I mentioned it again that there are 25% of the people in the world could not access the net by computer, thus Face Book created the mobile version call internet.org Certainly, FB is losing out more users from WhatApps, WeChat etc mobile version for social media users.
Going through the process of applying the wiki etc, we can already test it out on blogspot.
How online learning is essential ?
This is why I am suggesting on blog based instead of waiting for the other org to approve your application.
Red_Rat_Writer (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 أبريل، 2015 5:29:39 ص
I don't want to appear rude but you appear like you're suggesting quite a lot of ideas but it doesn't appear like you want to take the first step. If you want something to get done, put the time and energy into getting it done.
Right now, I'm working on projects to promote Esperanto. I have good ideas and I'm relying on myself to get it done. You have good ideas but trying to get people who have busy lives and responsibilities to do them isn't going to be fruitful.
My suggestion would be to become a moderate Esperanto speaker and making and education oriented blog. Build up connections and influence in the community (and out of it as well) and use that influece to carry out your ideas.
johmue (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 أبريل، 2015 6:05:09 ص
se:Can we pull the resources together and not waste too much of timeNo, we can't and we won't. That's simply not the way Esperantujo works. Esperantujo is a very heterogenious group of completely different people who share nothing more than a common language. No more no less. There is no "we", that has a common agenda whatsoever.
If you want to get something done, get it done. If you want something to happen, make it happen. You won't be successful in calling other people's activities "waste of time", especially not in Esperantujo.
sudanglo (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 أبريل، 2015 10:07:03 ص
Esperantujo is a very heterogeneous group of completely different people who share nothing more than a common language. No more no less. There is no "we", that has a common agenda whatsoever.I think Johmue that there is such a thing as la Movado.
Many Esperantists do have a common agenda - the promotion of Esperanto as a rational solution to the Babel problem.
However, coordinating Esperanto-speakers in the collaboration on particular projects can feel a bit like trying to herd sheep with a megaphone.
In my experience the Esperantists do not show as much heterogeneity as a random group of speakers of some national language would. There are definite types who seem attracted to Esperanto.
I think that the original poster's plea is more like a expression of a desire that we should act more like a single-issue political party. And with that view I have some sympathy