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Accountability Partner

от soan123, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Сообщений: 2

Язык: Esperanto

soan123 (Показать профиль) 27 апреля 2015 г., 4:56:43

I'm just starting to learn Esperanto and I was wondering if anybody wanted to be my accountability partner.
We could write each other and a daily or bi-daily basis (in Esperanto of course) and just make sure that we're
both sticking with the daily exercise.

ptor (Показать профиль) 10 мая 2015 г., 21:06:15

I'm just starting to learn Esperanto and I was wondering if anybody wanted to be my accountability partner.
We could write each other and a daily or bi-daily basis (in Esperanto of course) and just make sure that we're
both sticking with the daily exercise.
Mi povus skribi kun vi por plibonigi nian Esperanton. Skribu al mi ĉi tie aŭ eble poŝte.

Mi estas kvindekjara Kalifornia viro kun familio. Mi malrapide studas Esperanto je kurso ĉe la universitato Stanford.

