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19165 signed up to be notified of the Duolingo Esperanto course. Significance?

jdawdy, 2015 m. balandis 28 d.

Žinutės: 49

Kalba: English

dbob (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 4 d. 15:34:08

antigone314:Though Klingon was a fun idea for us since we do like Star Trek, Esperanto jumped to the top of our list for learning.
Wow! Talk about coincidence! Two posts before yours I just wrote:
dbob:Klingon could be a very good ally too.
Have fun learning Esperanto! Qapla' (success).

yItaH 'ej yIcheptaH (Klingon)
Dif-tor heh smusma (Vulcan)
Vivu longe kaj prosperu (Esperanto)
Larga vida y prosperidad (Español)
Live long and prosper

robbkvasnak (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 4 d. 16:35:27

When I was young - ah, yeah, a long time ago - i played with several languages. I had acquired basic Esperanto out of pure necessity. I was sent to a boarding school in Lausanne and put in a dormitory room with two roommates; a German and an Italian. The school language was French, which I did not speak. The Italian suggested that we all study Esperanto until I could speak French - and so we did and relatively quickly we were communicating with Esperanto grammar and any words that we could find that the other two understood. Later in life, I was studying in Frankfurt am Main and the local daily, die Frankfurter Rundschau, made a stupid (racist-type) joke about Esperanto which got me interested in it again and I became pretty fluent. At that time, I though that maybe some other constructed languages may be of interest. I explored them and eventually stuck with Esperanto. One language that really turned me off was volapük and one that I liked was one based on Germanic roots since I was struggling with fluent academic German and also taking courses in Germanistik at the Goethe Universität. I have never been interested in klingon but it seems to be a language with an angry, warlike culture. I guess that this may appeal to scifi freaks - but def not to me.
In marketing, I learned that if we wanted to sell more Xa, we had to place Xb, Xc and even Xd next to it on the shelf. Maybe that works for Esperanto and klingon, too.

gianich73 (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 4 d. 19:15:36

erinja:... and although Duolingo is fun, it isn't Candy Crush.
I love your sense of humor, Erinja. Even if, like you, I would like more people to learn Esperanto.


orthohawk (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 4 d. 20:16:34

erinja:I am always in favor of new Esperanto learning resources. But we shouldn't freak out if this doesn't turn out to be as big a bump to the movement as we might hope, and we need to manage expectations. Having a feature film with a well-known actor in Esperanto doesn't really do much for the movement, for example. (Incubus)
I don't really think of "Inkubo" as a feature film. It's more an artsy-fartsy (as we say here in the midwest) indie film. To me, a "feature film" is by a major studio that is released in hundreds (if not thousands) of theaters at the same time. Any film advertised on network TV I also consider to be a "feature" film.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 5 d. 07:46:50

robbkvasnak:In marketing, I learned that if we wanted to sell more Xa, we had to place Xb, Xc and even Xd next to it on the shelf. Maybe that works for Esperanto and klingon, too.
I think people want Esperanto to appear side by side with languages like German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, ect...

They don't want it to appear next to Pig Latin, Alienese, Klingon, Elvish, Navi, ect...

I personally don't really care. If Esperanto is good then it will succeed regardless. Content is king.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 6 d. 09:53:25

Check this out. The article is about Duolingo

Christa627 (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 6 d. 21:37:00

jdawdy:The real difference though, between Lernu and Duolingo is that people seek out Lernu who already have some real interest in Esperanto. The chances are remote they will run across it casually, and if they do, they are unlikely to register.
Remote, but not nil! I'm living proof of that ridego.gif.

jdawdy (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 7 d. 00:53:59

erinja:... and although Duolingo is fun, it isn't Candy Crush.
I love your sense of humor, Erinja. Even if, like you, I would like more people to learn Esperanto.

This just made me realize: If there were half as many invitations sent out on social media saying "XXX has invited you to join Learn Esperanto!" as there are Candy Crush or Farmville invitations, Esperanto would soon surpass Chinese in number of speakers! ridego.gif

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 7 d. 07:41:50

jdawdy:This just made me realize: If there were half as many invitations sent out on social media saying "XXX has invited you to join Learn Esperanto!" as there are Candy Crush or Farmville invitations, Esperanto would soon surpass Chinese in number of speakers! ridego.gif
Maybe, there could be some sort of badges that get posted on facebook for completed Esperanto courses.

1Guy1 (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gegužė 7 d. 10:38:17

erinja:... and although Duolingo is fun, it isn't Candy Crush.
I love your sense of humor, Erinja. Even if, like you, I would like more people to learn Esperanto.

I enjoy Duolingo far more than I would ever enjoy Candy Crush. Does that make me a sad person?

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