
Help in a Master's research project on Esperanto and Lernu!

글쓴이: Jxenja_A, 2015년 5월 13일

글: 5

언어: English

Jxenja_A (프로필 보기) 2015년 5월 13일 오전 11:20:52

This survey is a part of research by Yevgeniya (Ĵenja) Amis, a Master's student of the University of Quebec at Montreal. It is anonymous and it will help in the development of Lernu.net. Thank you for your participation, and thank you all who participated in the previous (qualitative) phase of the research!

You can answer in English, Esperanto, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. Japanese version will be available soon!


Alkanadi (프로필 보기) 2015년 5월 13일 오후 2:31:22


Good questions. My main reason for learning Esperanto is because it is easy and it is entertaining.

I also think it would be cool to meet open minded people. Esperantists seem very open minded.

Christa627 (프로필 보기) 2015년 5월 13일 오후 2:36:42

Done! Glad to help ridulo.gif.

I answered that I speak two languages fluently (which are, of course, English and Esperanto; I figured toki pona didn't count), but I hope to become fluent (at least conversationally proficient) in many more! Currently I'm working on Spanish and Russian.

Jxenja_A (프로필 보기) 2015년 5월 14일 오전 12:07:49

Thank you so much for your help and your answers! And also your help in the previous qualitative phase! I'll share the final results with you all, my friends!

bartlett22183 (프로필 보기) 2015년 5월 14일 오후 5:17:30

This is a good poll idea. I have already taken it. However, lernu! is hardly all of Esperantujo, so the results may not be generalizable to the "whole world."

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