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Kindle books

by Nephihaha, May 17, 2015

Messages: 9

Language: English

Nephihaha (User's profile) May 17, 2015, 2:03:27 PM

Can folk recommend some books on Kindle?

I've read a book about Esperanto someone knocked up in an afternoon, and a century old phrasebook, but is there anything really more suitable? The search facility on the Amazon website is crap.

(Before anyone starts, yes, I do prefer the good old fashioned book, which keeps binders, printers and paper makers in work. I have several big bookshelves at home.)

Alkanadi (User's profile) May 17, 2015, 2:59:11 PM

Nephihaha:I do prefer the good old fashioned book, which keeps binders, printers and paper makers in work.
I would prefer that we have an army of robot slaves that do everything for us. As long as we have an equal distribution of wealth so that the robot creators don't dominate the business world since they would own the means of production.

With e-ink and efficient creation/marketing/distribution we can save the economy a lot of money. Why should someone have to bind books by hand when a robot can do it for us? As long as that individual can receive an income elsewhere or be provided welfare from the state, then this is a better option.

I don't believe in jobs just for the sake of jobs. Otherwise, we are just paying people to exercise. We should just pay them and tell them to go have fun, do art, start a business, ect...

jaldrich (User's profile) May 17, 2015, 3:18:54 PM

You're right that there doesn't seem to be much on the Amazon Kindle store - but I have stocked up my Kindle with pdf and epub books from sites like these:

Ondo de Esperanto elibroj
Project Gutenberg

I'd be interested in other sources you find and like too!

orthohawk (User's profile) May 18, 2015, 4:17:53 PM

Nephihaha:Can folk recommend some books on Kindle?

I've read a book about Esperanto someone knocked up in an afternoon, and a century old phrasebook, but is there anything really more suitable? The search facility on the Amazon website is crap.

(Before anyone starts, yes, I do prefer the good old fashioned book, which keeps binders, printers and paper makers in work. I have several big bookshelves at home.)
Speaking of Kindle books, does anyone know anything about this "new" (ish) author, Joseph Hradisky, Jr.?

zaragorti (User's profile) May 18, 2015, 8:59:04 PM

Since we're discussing Kindles, I've got an English-Esperanto dictionary installed as the default system dictionary, but it doesn't work with all Esperanto texts. Any ideas?

As regards the books by Joseph Hradisky Jr, they start with a disclaimer about the accuracy of his language (the disclaimer itself is poorly written) so I chose not to risk learning bad Esperanto.

Christa627 (User's profile) May 18, 2015, 11:37:50 PM

Here is a fairly lengthy list of PDFs (I'm assuming you can use those; I don't know much about Kindle).

I just finished reading Doroteo kaj la Sorcxisto en Oz with great enjoyment, despite the occasional grammatical error, usually "unu la alia" where it should be "unu la alian". I understand not everyone has the same tastes in literature, but perhaps you will find something of interest.

robbkvasnak (User's profile) May 18, 2015, 11:47:59 PM

zaragorti:Since we're discussing Kindles, I've got an English-Esperanto dictionary installed as the default system dictionary, but it doesn't work with all Esperanto texts. Any ideas?

As regards the books by Joseph Hradisky Jr, they start with a disclaimer about the accuracy of his language (the disclaimer itself is poorly written) so I chose not to risk learning bad Esperanto.
Wow! David, I just read your profile. Two weeks, really? That is fantastic! I only found one thing that should be changed but I understood what you meant. If only other people would see how quickly one can communicate in Esperanto. You are the living proof of how easily the whole question of intercomminication in a community like the EU could be solved. Prejudice seems to be the only real obstacle.
Thank you for sharing. BTW another big fan of Welsh is John Wells, the author of the most commonly used Esperanto-English-Esperanto dictionary. He used to be the president of UEA. He lives in England.

1Guy1 (User's profile) May 23, 2015, 2:32:15 PM

The excellent free & open source software, Calibre, can convert between many ebook formats (with varying success)and even place them on your kindle for you.

Their website is here

Aplonis (User's profile) January 27, 2016, 3:19:49 AM

If it's science fiction and fantasy you'd like to read, then allow for me to present Eldonejo Mistera Sturno where you will find two whole novels (with a 3rd on the way), one novella and four short stories, all by Hugo-winning author Jack Vance. And if you can wait most of a year, I'm currently working on a translation also of "Way Station" by Clifford D. Simak.

My ebook translations are somewhat unique for each of them having a built-in vortaro of any uncommon words. The first appearance of such a word, ('petolis' for instance) will appear hypertext linked. Click on it to be sent to the vortaro for the definition. If it's a noun for which there's a picture in either the EB or the BeE, then I list its page and number. Click on the dictionary entry in bold you'll be taken back to the text.

All of the downloads are free. Choose the AZW3 button-links for Kindle Fire. Choose Mobi for any Kindles now getting long in the tooth. EPub buttons are for your Nook friends. PDF for everyone else. The website itself is wholly add-free. Call it a hobby. Anyhow, I hope that someone out there enjoys them. And as for the copyrights, I took the trouble to first get permission. So it's all legal, neat and tidy.

And, dear reader, if ever you find a typo in there, please let me know. I will repair it post haste. Not that there ought to be very many. All the ebooks have been proofread at least once, some of them twice, by volunteer readers from other countries. Nevertheless... Should anyone email me with a list of possible errors, claiming that they've read the whole book, then I will list their name in the updated edition.

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