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Translation help about accusative and question words like kial

dari WereVrock, 13 Juli 2015

Pesan: 13

Bahasa: English

WereVrock (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 07.57.01

Do we add accusative to question words like "kial" or "kiom" ?

Can someone translate these for me?

I understand why you are doing this : "mi komprenis kialn vi faras ĉi tion." "Kialn" doesn't seem right to me.

I know how many balls are in the basket : "mi scias kiomn da baloj estas en la korbo". I'm not even sure that an average Esperanto speaker can pronounce "kiomn"

I know who you are : This should be "me scias kiun vi estas". Is this correct?

I know what you are: I want to ask a different question about this. Can we use "kio" instead of "kiu" to mean "what" instead of "who" and to imply the person we are talking about is not a human or we are talking about the category the person belongs? Something like " I know what you are. You are an alien" or "I know what you are. You are a spy" I would translate this as "mi scias kion vi estas"

Miland (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 08.21.05

WereVrock:Do we add accusative to question words like "kial" or "kiom" ?

WereVrock:Can someone translate these for me?
I understand why you are doing this :
Mi komprenas kial vi faras ĉi tion.
I know how many balls are in the basket :
Mi scias kiom da pilkoj estas en la korbo.
I know who you are :
Mi scias kiu vi estas.
I know what you are: I want to ask a different question about this. Can we use "kio" instead of "kiu" to mean "what" instead of "who" and to imply the person we are talking about is not a human or we are talking about the category the person belongs?
Mi scias, kio vi estas. (I know what you are.)This can refer to a position, or (depending on the contaxt) something undesirable.
Mi scias, kia (homo) vi estas. (I know what kind of person you are.)

Kirilo81 (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 08.31.49

The last three sentences should be

Mi scias, kiu vi estas.
Mi scias, kio vi estas.
Mi scias, kia (homo) vi estas.

The whole sentence after "mi scias" is the object, the question word ki- has its own role in the dependent clause, viz the predicative of "vi estas X".

Rujo (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 08.35.08

In sentences with auxiliary verbs we can not use the accusative.

WereVrock (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 08.41.53


Kirilo81:Mi scias, kiu vi estas.
Can I use "ke" instead of comma?

Kirilo81 (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 08.54.35


Kirilo81:Mi scias, kiu vi estas.
Can I use "ke" instead of comma?
No, ke can be used where you use that in English: Mi scias, ke vi estas tia "I know that you are like this".
BTW, the comma is not mandatory.

Miland (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 09.20.58

* Please omit *

Miland (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 09.21.25

Kirilo81:The last three sentences should be..
Thanks, corrected.

Christa627 (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Juli 2015 12.40.08

Kirilo81:The last three sentences should be

Mi scias, kiu vi estas.
Mi scias, kio vi estas.
Mi scias, kia (homo) vi estas.

The whole sentence after "mi scias" is the object, the question word ki- has its own role in the dependent clause, viz the predicative of "vi estas X".
So if the ki- word is an object in the sub-sentence, you do use accusative, as in

Mi scias, kiun vi renkontis.
Mi scias, kion vi faris.
Mi scias, kian homon vi edzinigos.

But kiom can't take the -n ending, probably because it would be unpronounceable. So:

Mi scias, kiom da sukero vi aĉetis.

in which case we deduce that it is the object, by the lack of the -n on "vi".

And "kial" can't really be an object, since it doesn't represent something, but rather a sort of relationship (am I making any sense?), so "kialn" would never be necessary.

WereVrock (Tunjukkan profil) 14 Juli 2015 08.15.18

And "kial" can't really be an object, since it doesn't represent something, but rather a sort of relationship (am I making any sense?), so "kialn" would never be necessary.
I know the reason: Mi scias kialon / Mi scias kaŭzon

We can replace "the reason" with "why you are doing this"

I know why you are doing this: Mi scias kial vi faris ĉi tion.
As you can see in this example "kial" represents the reason and is necessary here. I'm not saying this is correct usage. I'm still waiting for a consensus to be reached.

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