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Nobel Peace Prize

de mnlg, 2008-januaro-31

Mesaĝoj: 5

Lingvo: English

mnlg (Montri la profilon) 2008-januaro-31 17:17:09

Esperanto has been nominated as a contender for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008, by two Swiss politicians.

richardhall (Montri la profilon) 2008-januaro-31 19:55:49

Interesting. I gather some British MPs have also nominated the UEA for the Peace Prize:

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2008-januaro-31 20:47:52

Nobel prizes are given for specific achievements. Which civil or world wars has E-o helped to avert, like Mandela in South Africa? Which deadly dangers has it helped humanity to avoid, like Gorbachev or Gore? Which communities historically at each other's throats has it helped reconcile, like John Hume of Northern Ireland? What outstanding humanitarian work has it done, like Medecins sans Frontieres? It would be easier to believe that the UEA had a chance of winning, if we had good answers to such questions.

richardhall (Montri la profilon) 2008-januaro-31 21:04:19

I don't have any illusions about the UEA winning. But just getting a nomination is a bit of kudos.

Frakseno (Montri la profilon) 2008-februaro-07 18:09:44


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