I finished the Duo Lingo tree
ca, kivuye
Ubutumwa 13
ururimi: English
Alkanadi (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 06:15:22
Rajzino (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 14:40:37

I wonder if I'm ever going to finish it myself. Duolingo is what kickstarted my venture into Esperanto about 10 days ago with explosive speed, reaching level 5 on day one. Although I haven't completed a skill in 5 days now. Less structured materials like analysing songtexts, watching Youtube videos, doing practice translations, and basic communication with some people here proved more useful to solidify what I had learned than just moving up the tree. Although it might be time for a more structured approach soon, now I've internalized much more of the grammar I've been taught.
But enough about me. As someone who has seen it all, what did you think of the course?
Alkanadi (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 15:13:40
Rajzino:Gratulon! ... As someone who has seen it all, what did you think of the course?Thank you very much. That is a nice photo. I feel like I deserve a party or something because the course was killing me. By the time I got to the end I just wanted to finish. I did the full course from start to finish but I tested out of the last 2 and half skills. The tests are really hard.
I found one mistake. In the last lesson, they used the plural when it should have been singular. I can remember the example.
Also, sometimes you will enter the right sentence and it says it is wrong because they didn't anticipate that type of answer. For example, you might translate it as "it is a lovely day" but they wanted "it is a beautiful day".
It is still in Beta so maybe this will get sorted out.
I hate loosing progress for getting a wrong answer.
Besides that, this is an amazing way to learn langauges. Really great!
I will still be using it to strengthen skills on a daily basis.
deltasalmon (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 15:34:16
I think finding only a few errors in the program is pretty good considering its still in beta and some of the other language courses have a lot, even those that have left the beta stage. I guess that might be because Esperanto isn't as complex as the natural languages.
Rajzino (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 18:55:08
Alkanadi:I hate loosing progress for getting a wrong answer.I used to not mind, but now the sentences are getting longer and there are more lessons in a skill, I'm really starting to feel the same.
deltasalmon:When I finish I'd like to take some of the Lernu tests to see how I do.You should definitely be able to do the level A exam without a lot of effort, if you read all the questions carefully. The other day I jumped into it expecting to fail terribly, but I almost passed the test. I was a little over half of the Duolingo tree.
But to be sure I'd recommend you skim over the required knowledge page of the test and look up things you don't know or recognize, to make sure you have at least seen every word and every piece of grammar once before.
deltasalmon:Some of the sentences are a little silly and not very useful to learnThey intentionally put some silly sentences in there that you can't translate easily based on the context. It helps people pay attention, stay critical, and rely more on actual knowledge of words and grammar than rely on what seems logical.
And while sentences like "La anaso devas pagi fakturon" and "La urso ŝatas vegetaranojn" don't seem useful to learn, they are made of the same words and grammar as normal sentences, so they can very easily be turned into sentences you can use in real life. Such as "Vi devas pagi fakturon" and "La urso ŝatas la arbaron".
KStef (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 19:21:59
Vestitor (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 19:31:20
KStef:I don't care.Then why mention it? When I don't care I don't even have the will to post it.
sandyduggan (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 25 Nyandagaro 2015 23:34:43
Alkanadi (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 26 Nyandagaro 2015 06:41:46
deltasalmon (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 26 Nyandagaro 2015 11:16:15