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"Dismaland" - first Vikio attempt

pobotay, 2015 m. rugsėjis 11 d.

Žinutės: 4

Kalba: English

pobotay (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugsėjis 11 d. 20:44:33

I remember a post from a few weeks ago where a regular poster here recommended writing or editing a wiki page as a good way to practice. I recently visited Dismaland and it inspired me to have a go at translating it.

This is what I have so far, any error corrections or other advice would be appreciated. I keep noticing small mistakes so no doubt there are still some remaining.

Dismaland estas nedaŭra arto projekto organizita de Banksy kaj konstruita en la banurbeto Weston-super-Mare en Somerset, Anglio.

Ĝi malfermiĝis la 21an de aŭgusto 2015, kaj estas atendata fermi je la 27a de septembro 2015. 4,000 biletoj estas disponeblaj ĉiutage.

Preparita sekrete ĉe la neuzita ekstera naĝejo Tropicana, la ŝpruc-ekspozicio estas "sinistra tordaĵo de Disneyland".

Bansky priskribis ĝin kiel "familian amuzparkon, kiu ne taŭgas por infanoj".

Banksy kreis dek novajn artaĵojn kaj mem-financis la konstruadon de la ekspozicio.

La spektaklo montras 58 artistojn el la 60 origine invititaj de Banksy por partopreni.

Vestitor (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugsėjis 11 d. 21:02:17

"Bemusement Park".. Hilarious. I saw this on Newsnight and would love to visit, but I'm not in the UK at the moment.

I'd better leave the corrections to others.

Rajzin (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugsėjis 11 d. 23:09:08

I'm a komencanto so take what I say with a grain of salt, I guess

I think I would say "arta projekto" instead of "arto projekto". I also checked Google, and when limited to webpages in Esperanto, currently:"Artoprojecto" gives 3, by the way.

Also, Esperanto doesn't use the comma for the thousands separator because it is ambiguous. (4,000 in the Anglophone world is 4.000 in most of Europe, and vice versa) To avoid all this Esperanto uses a non-breaking space instead.
You can enter it in Wikipedia with the HTML code   E.g. 14 500 000 for 14 500 000 (you use it instead of regular spaces so the numbers don't get separated near the edge of the page)

And I'm not sure about Esperanto standards because they are not fully standardized, but in English when you quote phases you put the period inside the quotation. (so "...por infanoj." and "...de Disneyland." )

Other than that I could personally find nothing wrong with my komencanto skills. I even checked your commas, and I think they are all fine.

pobotay (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugsėjis 12 d. 22:44:42

Dankon, I have made the corrections you suggested. I'm surprised I missed "arto projekto" as my instinct is to use "arta projekto", maybe I came across it on another website while researching and left it in. I'll have to remember your suggestion to search the number of webpages that use each word, it seems like a good way to check what the more popular word constructions are.

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