
is it esperanto language of nwo ?

글쓴이: ravana, 2015년 9월 13일

글: 39

언어: English

Alkanadi (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 16일 오전 6:20:41

ArmandK6:Esperanto will always be a language for manuals, advertizements, etc.
A language for manuals and advertisements? WTF?

ustra (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 16일 오전 7:40:50

ustra:Hxa! I was waiting! I knew the utterance of any sincere discussion would invoke vejktoro to troll, in any language.

Hi vejktoro.
Sorry bud, and no need for insults, I meant no ill will. I know from the Eo forums that you love the conspiracy stuff, when I read the title it made me think of you and then there you were!

Imagine if the finvenko's only hope is some kinda NWO. Then the raumists would be practicing an evil hobby.

I'll leave the Toki Pona NWO twist alone.
I didn't write anything at all here in this thread and yet you somehow felt the urge to highlight my modest contribution which I provided... So don't be surprised when I understood your message as an attack.

Also, realize that when you call me a conspiracy theorist, which by the way is a term invented by your favorite three letter agency in order to discredit dissenters, I will in return call you a coincidence theorist. I think this nicely shows the absurdity of such terms.

vejktoro (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 16일 오전 8:15:17

ustra:Hxa! I was waiting! I knew the utterance of any sincere discussion would invoke vejktoro to troll, in any language.

Hi vejktoro.
Sorry bud, and no need for insults, I meant no ill will. I know from the Eo forums that you love the conspiracy stuff, when I read the title it made me think of you and then there you were!

Imagine if the finvenko's only hope is some kinda NWO. Then the raumists would be practicing an evil hobby.

I'll leave the Toki Pona NWO twist alone.
I didn't write anything at all here in this thread and yet you somehow felt the urge to highlight my modest contribution which I provided... So don't be surprised when I understood your message as an attack.

Also, realize that when you call me a conspiracy theorist, which by the way is a term invented by your favorite three letter agency in order to discredit dissenters, I will in return call you a coincidence theorist. I think this nicely shows the absurdity of such terms.
Sheeesh, so much for extending a hand. Next time I'll skip banter and just shove the olive branch up my...

ustra (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 16일 오전 8:41:04

vejktoro:Sheeesh, so much for extending a hand. Next time I'll skip banter and just shove the olive branch up my...
Don't worry, I appreciated your message.

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 16일 오후 12:19:18

Can you give us some examples of things that can't be expressed in Esperanto?
Any creative writing which involves playing with metaphors and connotations. Esperanto is a 2D language of literal senses, and a living language is a 3D structure.
Metaphorical usage isn't a problem with Esperanto. You only have to flip through the definitions in PIV to see how often you encounter a figurative usage marked with (f).

And connotations can easily arise from the literal meaning (ie the real world object denoted by that the word (or phrase).

The main thing that Esperanto can't do is reflect different registers, eg. the colourful usage associated with particular classes of people. And that isn't at all surprising. Among the Esperantists, you will not find bank robbers, prostitutes, junkies, crude artisans of the building trade, etc. Esperanto is a language of the educated middle classes.

It is also true, that the language is not used regularly in daily life - so not used regularly in court, or in the supermarket, or in a garage, or on a building site. But it doesn't mean that appropriate language hasn't been developed and that it has vast holes in its vortaro.

Alkanadi (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 16일 오후 3:19:50

Can you give us some examples of things that can't be expressed in Esperanto?
Any creative writing which involves playing with metaphors and connotations. Esperanto is a 2D language of literal senses, and a living language is a 3D structure.
Are you going to give some examples? What are you having a hard time expressing?

erinja (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 16일 오후 3:33:44

Let's not feed the trolls, everyone.

Bemused (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 17일 오전 6:16:25

Can you give us some examples of things that can't be expressed in Esperanto?

Alkanadi (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 17일 오전 7:19:15

richardhall:Can you give us some examples of things that can't be expressed in Esperanto?
Crayon = Vakskrajono

Vestitor (프로필 보기) 2015년 9월 17일 오전 10:06:25

Even in English (just like in Esperanto) the word crayon refers to a pencil filled with clay, chalk or (latterly) wax.

This is clearly the reason a pencil is called krajono in Esperanto. The sort of children's wax 'crayons' have resuscitated an older word for pencil before graphite pencils became the norm. Pencil is derived from the word for brush in many languages.

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