
do you teach other esperanto ?

od ravana, 19. rujna 2015.

Poruke: 9

Jezik: English

ravana (Prikaz profila) 19. rujna 2015. 13:52:51

I mean friend and relatives .

Zeidra (Prikaz profila) 19. rujna 2015. 14:50:17

Uh uh, I try to convert as many people as possible !
But… It doesn't seem to work. They are not up to accept that Esperanto is Perfect AND Easy. They don't know what they miss.

Alkanadi (Prikaz profila) 20. rujna 2015. 09:38:41

Zeidra:They are not up to accept that Esperanto is Perfect AND Easy. They don't know what they miss.
I don't think it is perfect but it is super easy compared with learning Arabic.

If they see how it benefits you then they will take an interest. People seek pleasure and avoid pain. Right now, it is a pain for them because it involved expending mental energy. To overcome this pain, there must be some sort of incentive, such as seeing it benefit your life.

Tempodivalse (Prikaz profila) 20. rujna 2015. 20:04:25

But… It doesn't seem to work. They are not up to accept that Esperanto is Perfect AND Easy. They don't know what they miss.
If you succeed in giving new learners this impression about Esperanto, surely they will be frustrated when they discover the "real thing", warts and all.

I think it is better to speak of Esperanto in comparative terms - easier, more intuitive, rather than: easy, intuitive.

Alkanadi (Prikaz profila) 21. rujna 2015. 07:48:18

They are not up to accept that Esperanto is Perfect AND Easy.
If you succeed in giving new learners this impression about Esperanto, surely they will be frustrated when they discover the "real thing", warts and all.
It isn't perfect, and it isn't easy compared to watching tv.

Maybe, reverse psychology would work better:

Person A: "Esperanto, what is that?"

Person B: "Well, it is kinda like a secret code that is being used to build a worldwide network of peace lovers. But, you have to be smart to learn it. Not just any dummy can get it. Just don't worry about it. Forget I said anything."

jefusan (Prikaz profila) 23. rujna 2015. 15:01:14

My wife has so far resisted learning Esperanto.

Tempodivalse (Prikaz profila) 23. rujna 2015. 17:01:13

I had one acquaintance who seemed quite interested in the concept of Esperanto. I introduced him to some learning materials. Unfortunately, he's a busy person and I don't think he ever got past the begginner stage.

I don't unsolicitedly promote Esperanto. If it comes up in conversation somehow, I don't try to hide that I speak it. It's up to my interlocutor to express an interest.

robbkvasnak (Prikaz profila) 23. rujna 2015. 17:58:04

My husband always knew that I spoke Esperanto but I never tried to get him to learn it. Then a couple of years back - he is a cartoon freak - he came accross Muzi en Gondolando. He completed the course and so we started to esperantumi at home. He is getting pretty good at it and he has noticed that he can win arguments with me simply by switching to Esperanto - he is so sly! I am glad that he doesn't read lernu! so he won't know that I know that he uses this tactic, hehehe

se (Prikaz profila) 24. rujna 2015. 01:50:10

Jes, I did, all my family members, young and old are exposed to esperanto and its usefulness. More than a hundred of them. They are learning esperanto slowly.

I don't use the reason of learning Esperanto for going to congress, that old notion. I used the brain building reason.

I do not know how many people did the research on that topic. I did a little and found the reason is clear.

Bilingual at early age is good.

All parents love their children.

Esperantujo should spend some resources on this reason and also dyslexia. This would help to spread esperanto fast.

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