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English/Esperanto webpage and blog about Láadan

fra Moosader,2015 9 20

Meldinger: 35

Språk: English

00100100 (Å vise profilen) 2015 9 23 16:22:58

Tempodivalse:Who was it who said - "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" ?

RiotNrrd (Å vise profilen) 2015 9 23 16:34:50

devilyoudont:...and sorry that I likely contributed to the current tone of the thread malgajo.gif
I don't really think you did; I found your contribution to be quite interesting and well stated. Contributing to the thread doesn't necessarily mean you contributed to the tone.

RiotNrrd (Å vise profilen) 2015 9 23 16:39:18

Tempodivalse:Who was it who said - "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" ?
I love xkcd. I've usually got at least one posted on my office door.

Luib (Å vise profilen) 2015 9 23 17:03:16

Láadan seems to be interesting, from what I have seen. Having grammatical particles for what you think about something and how you know about it may force you to think about what you say.
However I don't see the point as a feminist language. First I do not think women have perceptions different from men's (although I can't know of course. And just in case you want to know: I am a man). Second, there can't be much real in Sapir-Whorf: I'd probably think clearlier when speaking Láadan (or the language of Matses people, which seems to be similar from what I've read), but that does not mean German or French or English would hinder me to.

And I would like to be told clearly whether it is a "fantasy" language like Tolkien's Eldarin, or an utopic language like Zamenhof's Lingvo Internacia.

devilyoudont (Å vise profilen) 2015 9 23 21:58:49

Luib:And I would like to be told clearly whether it is a "fantasy" language like Tolkien's Eldarin, or an utopic language like Zamenhof's Lingvo Internacia.
I don't know that these are necessarily mutually exclusive categories ridulo.gif

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