Kwa maudhui

Study through text

ya Fjord, 26 Septemba 2015

Ujumbe: 3

Lugha: Esperanto

Fjord (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 26 Septemba 2015 5:52:05 alasiri

Would anyone be willing to hold (strictly) Esperanto conversations through text? I'm a complete beginner so I might take awhile with learning though..

zaragorti (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 26 Septemba 2015 7:00:18 alasiri

Ĉu, vi jam provis la tujmesaĝilo, ĉe la hejmpaĝo je lernu? Nur diru al la partoprenantoj, ke vi estas komencanto.

Have you tried the tujmesaĝilo (instant messenger) on the lernu! homepage? Just mention that you're a beginner.

altindiefanboy (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 27 Oktoba 2015 2:01:26 alasiri

Ŝani:Out of curiosity, kiel vi uzas la tujmesagilon? I don't see anything resembling IM on the homepage, so I'm wondering if lernu still has this feature.
This feature has been removed very recently, apparently. You can read about that in this thread if you wish. If you have an IRC client, you can use the rather active ##esperanto channel on (there is also a web client here).

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