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A New correlative

di Aleksachjo, 12 ottobre 2015

Messaggi: 3

Lingua: Esperanto

Aleksachjo (Mostra il profilo) 12 ottobre 2015 12:33:44

Okay I'm a beginner more or less, and I know that upstarts who go off sprouting changes are annoying. This isn't so much a suggested change than a kind of wouldn't it have been neat if....

Anyway, I think we are one set of correlatives short. We need one for "other ---". With the root ali-, it seems ready made:

alio - another thing
aliu - another one
alia - another kind of
alie - another place/somewhere else
alies - another's
aliom - another amount
aliam - another time
aliel - another way
alial - another reason

Examples of usage:

Devas esti aliel...
Ne, neniel por ni

(There must be another way...
No, we have no other way)

Kaj alial, li perdis sian postenon!
(And another thing, he lost his job!)

Se ni renkontus aliam, alie.....
(Had we meet another time, some other place...)

Ne avidu alies edzinon!
(Thou shalt not covet another man's wife!)

johmue (Mostra il profilo) 12 ottobre 2015 12:48:48

Aleksachjo:Okay I'm a beginner more or less, and I know that upstarts who go off sprouting changes are annoying. This isn't so much a suggested change than a kind of wouldn't it have been neat if....
It's nothing new, it's been discussed over and over again.

Look here:

Oops, we are in Vidpunktoj ... no I am not going to translate the original post.

Do por tiuj, kiuj ne regas la anglan: La afiŝinto proponis diskuti pri la korelativa formo al-, kiu jam antaŭe estis vaste pridiskutita.

Miland (Mostra il profilo) 12 ottobre 2015 12:55:05

(Jen la Esperanto-parolanta forumo, kaj indas provizii Esperantan tradukon kun nacilingaj mesaĝoj, tial miaj tradukoj sube)

In Esperanto we have already have alia which simply means "other" or "another". Alie means "otherwise". So two of your proposed correlatives already exist as words with established meanings, different from the ones which you would give them. This would be a difficulty with attempting to introduce a new correlative.

(Tr: En Esperanto ni jam havas alia kaj alie , do du el viaj proponoj jam ekzistas kiel vortoj kun stabilaj signifoj, malsimilaj ol tiuj, kiujn vi donus al ili. Jen malfacilaĵo kun via provo enkonduki novan korelativon.)

As for the things you wish to use the proposed correlatives for (for which you have provided contexts) I would suggest:

(Tr: Pri tiuj aĵoj, por kiuj vi volas uzi la proponitajn korelativojn (por kiuj vi proviziis kuntekstojn), mi sugestas: )

Another way = alia maniero

Another thing.. = Krome..

Some other place = aliloke

Another person's = de alia

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