Al la enhavo

How is this text

de Alkanadi, 2015-oktobro-16

Mesaĝoj: 5

Lingvo: English

Alkanadi (Montri la profilon) 2015-oktobro-16 13:05:15

Does this text have any errors or anything unusual in it?

Ĉu vi bezonas Esperanto-tradukon el la Angla? Vi alvenas la ĝustan lokon! Mi amegas Esperanton kaj kutime parolas ĝin—mi do tre ardus pro la oportuno traduki vian Anglan tekston. Se vi havas demandojn aŭ dubojn, bonvolu mesaĝi al mi, kaj mi tuj poste respondos okulumo.gif

The person who wrote this text is not me.

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2015-oktobro-16 15:06:25

"Vi alvenas la gxustan lokon" sounds very old timey, though it is not technically wrong. Most people would say "Vi alvenas al la gxusta loko".

Vestitor (Montri la profilon) 2015-oktobro-16 17:25:17

Dubojn? Do you want to be planting that negative possibility in a potential customer's mind? One of the rules of advertising copy-writing.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2015-oktobro-16 18:29:47

Apart from agreeing with the previous comments, I think the writer should have used "alvenis."

sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2015-oktobro-17 12:16:42

The base forms are oportuna - convenient, handy, opportune and regulo - a rule.

So opportunity is not well translated here by oportuno with its nuance of a favora okazo - better would be mi bonvenigus la okazon ..

If you said the dry weather presents an opportunity to repaint the windows, then you could talk of an oportuno. But there is nothing convenient or opportune in his situation. He is just looking for paid work and wants a commission to do some translation.

A magazine may regule aperi, but I doubt that he regule parolas Esperanton. And it seems unlikely that he kutime parolas la lingvon. He probably means he frequently (ofte) speaks the language.

You could say that at Esperanto Congresses oni kutime parolas en Esperanto - that is the custom, what habitually happens.

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