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The melon and world peace

Alkanadi :lta, 28. lokakuuta 2015

Viestejä: 7

Kieli: English

Alkanadi (Näytä profiilli) 28. lokakuuta 2015 6.16.57

Given that the Cold War between the US and the now-defunct Soviet Union endured well into the 1980s, the Jubilee Symbol expressed a hope of global peace. It included both the English E and the Russian Э, joined together as if in embrace, celebrating the universal language and the peaceful mission for which it was invented


Esperanto + Эсперанто = EЭ

jefusan (Näytä profiilli) 28. lokakuuta 2015 15.11.31

It's an interesting concept. Still, I can't help but wish this movement had better graphic designers.

erinja (Näytä profiilli) 28. lokakuuta 2015 15.18.05

I've never liked the melon. Looks like a rugby ball.

Bemused (Näytä profiilli) 28. lokakuuta 2015 20.32.11

erinja:I've never liked the melon. Looks like a 1)* rugby ball.
2) Unimaginative gokart track with speed bumps in the wrong places malgajo.gif
* "1)" added to erinja original text.

Christa627 (Näytä profiilli) 28. lokakuuta 2015 22.54.17

La verda stelo brilas por ni cxiuj! Sed akvomelono tute ne brilas.

The green star shines for us all! But a watermelon doesn't shine at all.

lagtendisto (Näytä profiilli) 29. lokakuuta 2015 20.02.54

jefusan:It's an interesting concept. Still, I can't help but wish this movement had better graphic designers.
I also wonder what German Esperanto Association has in mind with this graphic design. I neither like mother earth peeled like potato nor it make sense to shadow earth.

Christa627 (Näytä profiilli) 29. lokakuuta 2015 20.25.55

jefusan:It's an interesting concept. Still, I can't help but wish this movement had better graphic designers.
I also wonder what German Esperanto Association has in mind with this graphic design. I neither like mother earth peeled like potato nor it make sense to shadow earth.
Yup. That's pretty weird looking!

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