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Which is better?

от Alkanadi, 10 ноября 2015 г.

Сообщений: 4

Язык: English

Alkanadi (Показать профиль) 10 ноября 2015 г., 15:27:26

English in the brackets or Esperanto in the brackets?

La scienca revuo American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Amerika Revuo de Preventa Medicino)

La scienca revuo Amerika Revuo de Preventa Medicino (American Journal of Preventive Medicine)

coderiferous (Показать профиль) 10 ноября 2015 г., 15:56:55

Alkanadi:English in the brackets or Esperanto in the brackets?

La scienca revuo American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Amerika Revuo de Preventa Medicino)

La scienca revuo Amerika Revuo de Preventa Medicino (American Journal of Preventive Medicine)
I've seen it both ways (both in Esperanto and in other languages) and I think it sort of depends exactly what you're going for or the environment you're writing in. For example, when I read about Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières I have seen it vary which one is in parentheses depending upon the source. It seems to me that it's maybe a bit more common to do it the second way you have written, at least with my experience in English-language texts, but it's somewhat personal preference. Personally, I like to do it the way you have listed first, with the "actual name" listed in the main body of the text (as that's what they refer to themselves) and the translated version for the reader in parentheses.

Miland (Показать профиль) 12 ноября 2015 г., 8:29:35

PEIN56§dfg:L'Esperento est une langue ..
This is the English-language forum. Please provide a translation in English.

sudanglo (Показать профиль) 12 ноября 2015 г., 10:47:11

Miland, just pop it into Google translate if your French is not up to scratch

L'Esperento est une langue de paix avant tout, il n'y a pas de meilleure langue mais des languages variés dans le monde.
A chacun son language mais l'Esperanto est une langue qui permet de vivre en paix dans le monde et compréhensible par tous le monde plus facilement que dans les autres langues mais il ne s'agit pas de dire qu'elle est meilleure qu'une autre.

This is the result.

Esperanto is a language of peace above all, there is no better language, but different languages in the world.
To each his own language but Esperanto is a language that allows us to live in peace in the world and understood by all the world more easily than in other languages but he is not about to say that it is better than other.
