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від richardhall, 18 лютого 2008 р.

Повідомлення: 3

Мова: English

richardhall (Переглянути профіль) 18 лютого 2008 р. 19:37:21

Does the species Octodon degus, known in English as the degu, have an accepted name in E-o? I'm using 'deguo' as a guess.

How about the more common gerbil? Does that have an E-o name?

Thanks in advance!

Miland (Переглянути профіль) 18 лютого 2008 р. 19:49:22

The second one is easy - gerbilo appears even in small dictionaries like Wells or McLinen. But deguo is not even in the PIV 2005 (and 'degu' is not even in Benson), so I suggest either coining a neologismo deguo, or translating 'brush-tailed rat' (which is what this creature is) as brosovosta rato.

richardhall (Переглянути профіль) 19 лютого 2008 р. 07:13:17

I must get myself a dictionary...

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