
Translation: The Art of Getting Money

Alkanadi-tól, 2015. december 22.

Hozzászólások: 18

Nyelv: English

Alkanadi (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 27. 15:27:15

One thing that I don't like about old books is that each sentence has thousands of clauses. We don't talk like that any more. Anyway, here is the next sentence of the book:


Those who really desire to attain independence, only need to be determined, and aquire the proper means, as they do in regard to any other thing, which they wish to accomplish, and the thing is easily done.

Kiuj vere deziras atingi sendependecon, nur bezonas esti determinita, kaj akiri la taŭgan rimedon, kiel ili faras rilate al iu ajn alia afero, kiun ili volas sukcesi, kaj la afero estas facila.



Vestitor (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 27. 16:17:11

I'd disregard all that punctuation, most of it is poor anyway. It's not necessary to completely mirror the style of writing. You can recast the sentences and retain the meaning. This is my suggestion:

Tiuj kiuj vere deziras atingi sendependecon, nur devas esti determinita kaj akiri la ĝustajn ilojn; kiel oni faras rilate pri ajn alia afero kie oni deziras sukceson. Ĉi-tiu estas facile farita.

Someone more expert should highlight my errors (because I needed dictionary help and some conjugations may be woefully wrong!).

nornen (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 28. 1:15:01

Alkanadi:One thing that I don't like about old books is that each sentence has thousands of clauses. We don't talk like that any more. Anyway, here is the next sentence of the book:


Those who really desire to attain independence, only need to be determined, and aquire the proper means, as they do in regard to any other thing, which they wish to accomplish, and the thing is easily done.

Kiuj vere deziras atingi sendependecon, nur bezonas esti determinita, kaj akiri la taŭgan rimedon, kiel ili faras rilate al iu ajn alia afero, kiun ili volas sukcesi, kaj la afero estas facila.



Just some minor points:
determinitaj should be plural as its antecedent is plural, too.
kiel could be, but musn't be samkiel.
rilate al iu ajn alia afero, could be, but mustn't be rilate iun ajn alian aferon.
sukcesi is intransitive, so maybe alia afero, en/ĉe kiu ili volas sukcesi. Or alia afero sukcesenda (sukcesi can take as a subject both the thing that succeeds, and the person who succeeds in something).
Or you could use another word: alia afero, kiun ili volas plenumi.

Polaris (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 28. 15:48:44

I just want to say that I absolutely LOVE what Alkanadi is doing here, regardless of the choice of book or it's content. Translating "real-language" texts and getting feedback from other Esperantists--what a FANATASTIC way to practice the language! Honestly, I wish we had a section just for this type of thread, and that we could do more of this. I'm enjoying just reading the comments and picking up ideas.

Alkanadi (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 29. 7:37:05

Polaris:Honestly, I wish we had a section just for this type of thread, and that we could do more of this. I'm enjoying just reading the comments and picking up ideas.
Thanks. Me too. We need a section just for word games and a section for translation advice.

Check out http://lang-8.com/

Basically, you sign up and then the home feed with have two sections:
1- posts from people who need corrections in your native language
2- posts from people who need corrections in the language that you are learning.

You get points for correcting people's work. They have some Esperantists on that site that are pretty helpful.

I find that Lernu users offer better quality editing though.

Miland (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 29. 19:58:50

You might try to get hold of a book of translation exercises such as Traduku! by William Auld.

Alkanadi (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 30. 13:41:36

Miland:You might try to get hold of a book of translation exercises such as Traduku! by William Auld.
Good idea. Thanks

Alkanadi (Profil megtekintése) 2015. december 30. 13:48:48

But, however easy it may be to make money, I have no doubt many of my readers will agree that it is the most difficult thing in the world to keep.

Estas facile akiri monon, sed kontraŭe, mi ne dubas, ke multaj el miaj legantoj konsentos, ke mono estas la plej malfacila aĵo en la mondo por konservi.

Vissza a tetejére