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Translation: The Art of Getting Money

de Alkanadi, 22 decembrie 2015

Contribuții/Mesaje: 18

Limbă: English

Alkanadi (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 09:59:41

I decided to translate a book for practice. I am opening this threat so that I could hopefully get some feedback and advice.

Alkanadi (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 10:01:25

First Paragraph

In the United States, where we have more land than people, it is not at all difficult for people in good health, intelligence, and energy, to make money. In this comparatively new field there are so many avenues of success open, so many vocations which are not crowded, that any person of either sex who is willing, at least for the time being, to engage in any respectable occupation that offers, may find lucrative employment.

En Usono, kie ni havas pli da tero ol homoj, ĝi estas tute ne malfacila por homoj gajni monon, kiuj havas bonan sanon, inteligenton, kaj energion. En tiu relative nova kampo estas multaj vojoj de sukceso malfermitaj da okupoj, kiuj ne superplena, ke ajna persono de ajna sekso, kiu pretas, almenaŭ provizore, entrepreni ian ajn respektinda okupo, kiu proponas, povas trovi valoran postenon.

opalo (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 10:25:51

I am opening this threat

I had a go:

En Usono, kie ni havas pli da tero ol da homoj, tute ne malfacilas gajni monon por homoj kiuj havas bonan sanon, inteligenton, kaj energion. En ĉi tiu relative nova kampo estas tiom da vojoj al sukceso malfermitaj, kaj tiom da okupoj ne superplenaj, ke ajna persono de ajna sekso, kiu pretas, almenaŭ provizore, entrepreni ian ajn respektindan okupon atingeblan, povas trovi profitodonan postenon.

Inserted da
Ĝi isn't used in this way
Moved por homoj next to kiuj
Inserted ĉi
We would need superplenas but kiuj is unnecessary
"So many...that" requires tiom
Here, "offers" means "is available/reachable" so atingebla.
Valora is "valuable" in a more general sense[/list]

sudanglo (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 10:53:35

En Usono, kie ni havas pli da tero, ol da homoj, estas tute ne malfacile, por inteligenta kaj energia homo en bona sano, perlabori monon.

Ne, vi eraras. Mi perlaboras nur iom pli ol unu dolaron en tago (Tekstaro)

But gajni is also possible.

However, 'ĝi estas' in your translation is not appropriate - does not refer to a specific concrete thing. The structure you require is 'estas adverb .... infinitive.

Kaj ne estas malfacile antaŭvidi, ke nia espero (Tekstaro)

Actually, the first sentence of the English original text is not that well written.

'in good health, intelligence, and energy'. One does not say in good intelligence or in good energy'

Vestitor (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 11:11:16

It's an old book (from the Archive?). An early addition to the canon concerned with the American (pipe) dream. Personally I think it may be a wasted effort, but practise is practise.

sudanglo (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 11:13:10

'In this comparatively new field' - field? What field? Shouldn't this be 'country'?

In any case the normal preposition for 'in this field' (abstract) is 'sur'.

Precipe sur la kampo de sciencaj kaj fakaj vortoj ni trovas.. (Tekstaro)

'to engage in any respectable occupation that offers' -??? Offers what?

Alkanadi (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 15:04:09

sudanglo:The structure you require is 'estas adverb .... infinitive.
Thanks a million for the help.

I wish there was a website would force the user to create an acceptable structure. It would just be like putting words into slots. I could create perfect sentences with such a system.

I tried to write a python program that would identify all the possible structures in Alice in Wonderland. However, I quickly got overwhelmed with all the potential anomalies.

Alkanadi (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 15:06:20

sudanglo:'In this comparatively new field' - field? What field? Shouldn't this be 'country'
I think field means the concept of making money.

It is an old book.

Alkanadi (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 15:40:28

Vestitor:It's an old book (from the Archive?). An early addition to the canon concerned with the American (pipe) dream. Personally I think it may be a wasted effort, but practise is practise.
Yes, it is a very old book. I found it on gutenberg.

It might be a waste of effort. If you have a better idea then please don't hesitate to suggest it. Self-improvement is something of interest to me, so I thought the book was a good choice.

Vestitor (Arată profil) 22 decembrie 2015, 17:02:04

Vestitor:It's an old book (from the Archive?). An early addition to the canon concerned with the American (pipe) dream. Personally I think it may be a wasted effort, but practise is practise.
Yes, it is a very old book. I found it on gutenberg.

It might be a waste of effort. If you have a better idea then please don't hesitate to suggest it. Self-improvement is something of interest to me, so I thought the book was a good choice.
My suggestion is: Darrell Huff's classic How to Lie With Statistics. It's nice and short too.

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