المشاركات: 58
لغة: English
Alkanadi (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 7:52:41 ص
For example here are the addresses for Asian Esperanto associations:http://uea.org/landoj/azio
I bet they would be happy to receive an Esperanto book in the mail.
se (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 1:48:09 م
Alkanadi:For example here are the addresses for Asian Esperanto associations:http://uea.org/landoj/azioWhen I saw the link to UEA page of Malaysia Esperanto Association address,I was mad again. Times and again,I told UEA to delete the person and the address as there is no such Esperanto association in Malaysia. ALL NGOs must register with the Registrar of Society, if you cannot find the name of the society, which means it is not existed.
How UEA is not feeling ashamed to cheat the world with the wrong information. This is the internet age, you can check it afar from the other side of the world. This silly act gives more bullets to those who opposed the use of Esperanto, especially in Malaysia.
Could anyone help to tell UEA to take down the information in Malaysia ?
Besides, the bad system of the registering of world congress UK, still on. Last year, one foreigner used the name of Malaysia, he is not a Malaysian, perhaps, working in Malaysia, how he can represent Malaysia in the Universal Congress.
I am getting disguted with this world body who sleeps in the internet age.
How bad the information in the Esperanto vikipedia compared to the English version
Matthieu (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 2:15:00 م
se:Besides, the bad system of the registering of world congress UK, still on. Last year, one foreigner used the name of Malaysia, he is not a Malaysian, perhaps, working in Malaysia, how he can represent Malaysia in the Universal Congress.So what's the problem? I'm French and I live in Slovakia, so I registered to the next congress as an inhabitant of Slovakia, that doesn't mean I somehow "represent" Slovakia in the congress.
se (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 2:24:50 م
Mutusen:So what's the problem? I'm French and I live in Slovakia, so I registered to the next congress as an inhabitant of Slovakia, that doesn't mean I somehow "represent" Slovakia in the congress.When you make the speech on stage of representative, do you say you are from France or from Slavokio ?
Citizen which means the travelling passport represent it, if you have dual passport, fine, you can say it loud and clear. But if you are not, that is a big shame of you to represent the other country, making confusion that the country has esperanto speakers. The next year, that person appear in other country. Why need the names of the countries ? Think hard. If the names of the country is not vital, delete it.
This search should be deleted.
Alkanadi (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 2:29:10 م
se:Times and again,I told UEA to delete the person and the address as there is no such Esperanto association in Malaysia.In that case, I hope they email first before sending something in the mail.
se (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 2:34:14 م
Alkanadi:UEA did not reply to me and i believed that the office also did not contact that person, who, by the name, has the royal blood. He might die long time ago.se:Times and again,I told UEA to delete the person and the address as there is no such Esperanto association in Malaysia.In that case, I hope they email first before sending something in the mail.
UPDATE that word does not ring in UEA.
erinja (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 3:37:26 م
se:I think you are confused about what the congress is about.Mutusen:So what's the problem? I'm French and I live in Slovakia, so I registered to the next congress as an inhabitant of Slovakia, that doesn't mean I somehow "represent" Slovakia in the congress.When you make the speech on stage of representative, do you say you are from France or from Slavokio ?
We call it a "kongreso" in Esperanto, and this is why we sometimes call it a "congress" in English, but the more usual English word for this kind of event is "convention". It's not like a law making body where you come representing a country or a region and you have a vote to represent your region. It's an event where you show up and you attend speeches and activities.
You sign up to attend. You do not represent anyone, you do not represent a country, you do not speak for a country. An ordinary person attending the convention does not speak on stage. You meet friends, you attend speeches, you go on tourist excursions.
At the opening ceremony, there is usually a thing where the national Esperanto association of each country gives their official greetings to the convention. This is a written statement that is read aloud by someone representing that association. It may or may not be someone from that country who is reading the statement, the statement is usually written by an administrator of the association (not by the person reading it), and the statement has no important content, it's just a greeting and good wishes in the name of the association.
So the country printed on your badge is really meaningless, it only means the country you live in. It doesn't mean you were born there and it doesn't mean it's the country of your ethnic origin and it doesn't mean you're a citizen. They take it from your address on the registration form, I don't even think there's a separate blank to fill in the country you originally came from, even if you wanted to indicate that.
You can watch a video of the "landaj salutoj" (greetings from various countries) during the opening ceremony; there is also a video of greetings from various Esperanto associations.
Bodler (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 3:56:06 م
Alkanadi:Do you have any books in Esperanto that you are no longer reading? Why not send them to an Esperanto association in a poor country?Why did you post this message in the english forum ?
For example here are the addresses for Asian Esperanto associations:http://uea.org/landoj/azio
I bet they would be happy to receive an Esperanto book in the mail.
Alkanadi (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 4:02:47 م
Bodler:Why did you post this message in the english forum ?I don't know. I am still not very good in Esperanto. So I don't post much in those forums.
Bodler (عرض الملف الشخصي) 12 يناير، 2016 4:18:35 م
Alkanadi:Yes, but you have to try. I am french and for me, english is difficult. I can easily understand it, but it gives me hard time to use it to express my self. I can't participate in this discussions.Bodler:Why did you post this message in the english forum ?I don't know. I am still not very good in Esperanto. So I don't post much in those forums.
We don't care if you do some mistakes in esperanto, but we care about the "krokodilaĵoj". There is something strange in promoting esperanto by krokodiling in an esperantist forum. Tio estas bedaŭrinda.