
The LGBT Community and Esperanto

貼文者: 12cavenderadam, 2016年2月2日

訊息: 60

語言: English

Clarence666 (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月3日下午1:07:00

erinja:LSG, Ligo de Samseksemaj Geesperantistoj. Their website unfortunately seems to be down
Damn ... what's the difference between "Esperantisto" and "GEEsperantisto" ??

Damne ... kio estas la diferenco inter "Esperantisto" kaj "GEEsperantisto" ??

Alkanadi (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月3日下午3:24:11

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

brulponeo (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月3日下午4:01:55

Alkanadi:What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Bisexual generally refers to being sexually attracted to the two binary genders - men and women. Pansexual recognizes that there are more than two genders (genderqueer, gender fluid, agender, trans folks that don't identify as one of the two binary genders, just to give a few examples) and gives people a label to use to indicate that they are sexually attracted to more than the two binary genders.

Some people also use bisexual and pansexual interchangeably.

erinja:LSG, Ligo de Samseksemaj Geesperantistoj. Their website unfortunately seems to be down
Damn ... what's the difference between "Esperantisto" and "GEEsperantisto" ??

Damne ... kio estas la diferenco inter "Esperantisto" kaj "GEEsperantisto" ??
I would suspect that geesperantistoj would mean Esperanto speakers, specifically of both (binary) genders.

JaeNim (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月3日下午10:44:11

12cavenderadam:I was wondering how many LGBT people there are in the Esperanto community so I made this quick poll.
I'm pansexual AND asexual but I can't click both so I thought I'd just let you know.
How does that even work (unless this is satire)? It would be like me saying I'm an atheist and believe in God.
This is not satire at all. I suppose the proper term would be 'Panromantic' meaning that I am romantically attracted to all genders and I can be in a relationship with all genders however I am not sexually attracted to anyone. Does that make more sense to you?

altindiefanboy (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月4日上午3:20:22

brulponeo:As to your asking which sexes/genders I am attracted to, I have to note that there are more than two biological sexes and far more than two gender identities.
Which would those be (the biological sexes, I mean)? I suppose there are natural hermaphrodites or those with various disorders that would affect their reproductive system, but is it inaccurate to refer to two biological sexes aside from biological abnormalities? Am I forgetting anything?

brulponeo:Irrespective of whether the OP intended to ask about sexuality or gender identity, they used the LGBT acronym, which includes the T for transgender folks. I could indeed pick "pansexual", but that doesn't cover it for me - thus the comment.
The poll in question, however, asked about the users' sexual orientation; gender identity was not in the context of the poll, but the original poster did ask about LGBT (transgender included) individuals in the title and in their initial post, which you might be confusing with the actual question being posed by the poll. If your sexual orientation is pansexual, then the fact that you are transgender wouldn't prevent you from accurately answering the poll, as it is irrelevant to being pansexual.

brulponeo (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月4日上午7:44:13

brulponeo:As to your asking which sexes/genders I am attracted to, I have to note that there are more than two biological sexes and far more than two gender identities.
Which would those be (the biological sexes, I mean)? I suppose there are natural hermaphrodites or those with various disorders that would affect their reproductive system, but is it inaccurate to refer to two biological sexes aside from biological abnormalities? Am I forgetting anything?
Well, what you refer to as "hermaphrodite" is called intersex (which doesn't mean "born with both sets of genitalia", but includes people born with ambiguous genitalia, people with resistances to androgen or estrogen, etc) and while yes, intersex people were included in my comment, you don't have to be intersex to be gender-variant. For more, see here.

altindiefanboy:[...] as it is irrelevant to being pansexual.
It's not irrelevant to me ridulo.gif And honestly, all I'm doing is finding others like me (which, judging by my inbox, is working, so..).

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月4日下午1:05:29

altindiefanboy: but is it inaccurate to refer to two biological sexes aside from biological abnormalities?
Not inaccurate so much as it's simplifying things. Biological sex is a continuum. There are far, far more people than you realize who fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum. That's why sex testing for athletic events is problematic. You can easily have a person born female with fully female-looking genitalia who also has a y-chromosome. To put it simplistically, sex can be identified by genitalia, hormones, and chromosomes - and the three may not match in one person.

Vestitor (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月4日下午5:20:10

Having said that, there is a tendency to get carried away. Biological development isn't error-free, but it is successful a great deal of the time. I'd say that alternatively there are a great deal more people with no biological anomalies than pop science media would have us all believe.

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月4日下午5:36:48

Vestitor: I'd say that alternatively there are great deal more people with no biological anomalies than pop science media would have us all believe.
Most people with some kind of intersex-related anomaly will never know they have it, unless they start having fertility problems when they hit reproductive age. Most anomalies aren't physically obvious (and someone with a "physically obvious" indicator, such as a very small penis or a very large clitoris, is more than likely completely normal for their sex, and they happen to fall at one end of the spectrum or the other for genital size).

Vestitor (顯示個人資料) 2016年2月4日下午5:46:51

All of that I am aware of, yet consider this: if the 'true number' is so hidden, how could it be known at all? It's all estimation.
