Berichten: 60
Taal: English
brulponeo (Profiel tonen) 12 februari 2016 01:00:33
Vestitor:Here is where we agree, my friend.brulponeo:In mine and my partners' household, "normal" is a dirty word.I know you are half-joking, and I understand the natural history of why people feel that way, but it really shouldn't have to be like that.
SPadern (Profiel tonen) 12 februari 2016 08:13:02
robbkvasnak:The whole alphabet thing was born in the USA - and that is where it should stay. It is a reflection of US society. I think that Esperanto should go its own way and forget about GLBT or LGBT or TBLG or whatever. I suggest that we seek a word that would offer space for us all.I think this is a good idea. A word like liberseksema could prevent a lot of arguing, I think. Maybe a new thread is necessary to discuss this.
Why can't we just use 'gegeja' for everybody who feels that they are outside what they perceive to be the same-old same-old or 'traditional role' in sexuality. Or 'liberseksema' or something?
Altebrilas (Profiel tonen) 12 februari 2016 10:40:21
Vestitor (Profiel tonen) 12 februari 2016 11:14:50
yyaann (Profiel tonen) 12 februari 2016 14:38:14
Vestitor:I predict a flame war because there are a lot of "traditional" people active in the main Esperanto forum...viewpoints specifically.It doesn't have to be discussed in vidpunkto though. It could be done in konsultejo.
Altebrilas (Profiel tonen) 13 februari 2016 13:07:13
yyaann (Profiel tonen) 13 februari 2016 17:21:22
Altebrilas:It's paradoxal that we have to flee into the english forum to avoid insults in the esperanto one. Zaza must be turning in his grave!In a way these flamewars between the progressists and conservatives of the world are a success. Typically they occur within the borders of a single country. Esperanto: when nation-wide quarrels aren't enough.

Seriously though, forum flamewars are not actual armed conflicts. But yeah, it's really difficult to have anything remotely resembling a decent conversation when there is no common ground whatsoever.
devilyoudont (Profiel tonen) 14 februari 2016 02:51:24
SPadern:I think separate terms are betterrobbkvasnak:The whole alphabet thing was born in the USA - and that is where it should stay. It is a reflection of US society. I think that Esperanto should go its own way and forget about GLBT or LGBT or TBLG or whatever. I suggest that we seek a word that would offer space for us all.I think this is a good idea. A word like liberseksema could prevent a lot of arguing, I think. Maybe a new thread is necessary to discuss this.
Why can't we just use 'gegeja' for everybody who feels that they are outside what they perceive to be the same-old same-old or 'traditional role' in sexuality. Or 'liberseksema' or something?
The reality of the community is that there are more men present than women, and more cis people than trans people. Thus resources which are general purpose tend to end up being resources for (typically white) cis men. So it is important to designate that actually this resource is for trans people, this resource is for lesbians, and sometimes you have to get very very specific with it, like this is a resource for black trans lesbian teens, or what have you.
I realize my experience is not universal, but cis men fully dominating any space which is supposedly all inclusive is what I've seen in big cities, in rural areas, inside the US, and abroad. At the very least, separate terms allow us to find others who aren't the most represented demographic.
brulponeo (Profiel tonen) 14 februari 2016 17:00:33
Altebrilas:It's too bad that these issues are not addressed in Esperanto forum. This would develop an appropriate vocabulary and expand Esperanto culture towards these issues about which there is little documentation in our language. What about opening a thread there with an intro presenting definitions and main arguments?I heartily support a conversation around this in Esperanto; I just don't quite have a good enough grasp of Esperanto yet to host it. If someone else would like to take it over, I'd do my best to keep up.
Altebrilas (Profiel tonen) 14 februari 2016 23:20:37
brulponeo:I support such a thread too. But I am not proficient enough in english and not competent enough regarding the topic to do it myself. I hope someone else will open the thread.Altebrilas:It's too bad that these issues are not addressed in Esperanto forum. This would develop an appropriate vocabulary and expand Esperanto culture towards these issues about which there is little documentation in our language. What about opening a thread there with an intro presenting definitions and main arguments?I heartily support a conversation around this in Esperanto; I just don't quite have a good enough grasp of Esperanto yet to host it. If someone else would like to take it over, I'd do my best to keep up.
I found this on wikipaedia: Maybe it can help you with the vocabulary.