
Learning Esperanto from scratch


メッセージ: 32

言語: English

Alkanadi (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月14日 13:41:28

spreecamper:...maybe better orientate you on Barbaro Esperantisto.
I know about him.

I am happy to see that more and more Esperanto speakers are on youtube. I am excited about the launch of Kiah's channel, which should be coming soon if I understood correctly.

I like it when people create a lot of content.

I also learn from the daily article on http://esperantaretradio.blogspot.com/

And the word of the day from Transparent languages.

Vestitor (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月14日 16:22:30

"Ethnopluralism" is not a term I have seen before.
Could you please explain what it means.
Surely it's self-evident? The concept of ethnic plurality.

lagtendisto (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月15日 4:55:16

Bemused:"Ethnopluralism" is not a term I have seen before.
Could you please explain what it means.
English Wikipedia has short description of this. Automatic google translation of same entry in German Wikipedia but more detailed.

Regarding party tries to settle idea of nationalism/ethnopluralism into middle class: 59:00 minute'...right of (party) CDU someones is still in the middle ...' I see this like attempt to disable German basic law (Grundgesetz) and it keeper (Verfassungsgericht) like happened in Polland now. Ethnopluralism is attempt to cover pure nationalism with intellectual coat: 00:40 minute (English subtitle).

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月15日 14:22:21

The meaning of the term is not obvious, it makes it sound like someone is in favor of a multi-ethnic country, whereas in fact the actual meaning is opposite.

The seemingly self-evident meaning -- ethnic plurality, is that like multiculturalism? -- seems opposite to the actual meaning of the term, which according to Wikipedia seems to be that each ethnicity should be separate and segregated into its own separate region.

Vestitor (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月15日 22:07:42

erinja:The meaning of the term is not obvious, it makes it sound like someone is in favor of a multi-ethnic country, whereas in fact the actual meaning is opposite.

The seemingly self-evident meaning -- ethnic plurality, is that like multiculturalism? -- seems opposite to the actual meaning of the term, which according to Wikipedia seems to be that each ethnicity should be separate and segregated into its own separate region.
Like so-called multiculturalism in practice then?

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月16日 1:11:53

We are talking theory. The theory of multiculturalism is that people live together. The theory of ethnopluralism seems to be that you keep people intentionally separate and with their own institutions.

Vestitor (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月16日 2:04:57

I know it is theoretical, it was just a barbed comment. In it I was hinting that ethnopluralism, so defined, is really what largely happens anyway, whether a policy (or a people) is aiming for some sort integration or not.

When I referred to it as self-evident, I did not imply that it meant the same as multiculturalism.

The high aim of multiculturalism as a deliberate policy - to somehow eliminate difference and yet celebrate it - has not been an unqualified success, but some people are still in denial about this. I don't mean that there has been no positive social-cultural integration, but that other and older group traditions and cultural values that have meaning for people, often trumps the melting-pot.
The reasons are no doubt many and complicated, but one is the impatience. Mine too perhaps. It has taken a long time for the West Indian community in Britain, for example, to be seen as something than an alien other. Newer immigrants have taken that position. And even then they are seen as British, but a different sort of British.

To me ethnoplurality is a reality, but not necessarily always a negative one.

Evildela (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月17日 3:59:15

I'm loving the sudden rise of new Esperanto speakers. It appears that within the last few months there have been a number of new YouTubers pop into existence.

Alkanadi (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月17日 6:02:10

Evildela:I'm loving the sudden rise of new Esperanto speakers. It appears that within the last few months there have been a number of new YouTubers pop into existence.
Yah. It is cool. I think Esperanto is kinda like Bitcoin. I think there will suddenly be a huge wave of interest.

SPadern (プロフィールを表示) 2016年3月17日 7:32:19

spreecamper: And try to find proper 'role model' means instead of Evildela, maybe better orientate you on Barbaro Esperantisto.
Then, what makes a good role model, do you think? Is the content of the videos, or the language the most important?
