
Best English-language grammar of Esperanto?

Bruso, 2016年3月19日

讯息: 3

语言: English

Bruso (显示个人资料) 2016年3月19日上午12:47:48

What do you consider the best English-language grammar book (not tutorial) of Esperanto?

Ivy Kellerman Reed's "Complete Grammar of Esperanto"?

David Jordan's "Being Colloquial in Esperanto"?

Something else?

eshapard (显示个人资料) 2016年3月19日上午6:21:43

I prefer Baker's The American Esperanto Book over Reed's. I find it better organized. From what I remember, Reed skips around from topic to topic giving you bits and pieces. Baker goes through everything about nouns, then moves on to adjectives, then verbs, etc. If you need a reference, it's a lot easier to find what you need this way.

erinja (显示个人资料) 2016年3月20日上午1:04:24

I like the Jordan book. It's an interesting read even if your Esperanto is already good.
