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NEED URGENT HELP voiceover for video piece

از llanquin, 7 آوریل 2016

پست‌ها: 3

زبان: English

llanquin (نمایش مشخصات) 7 آوریل 2016،‏ 20:44:47

Hello, my name is hector LLanquin and im an artist from chile currently based in new york.
Im working on a video piece that depicts a confuse future where a global language exists and plants have evolved into technological hybrids that monitor human conduct. I need to record a voiceover reading a small text i managed to translate to esperanto from english using google. Im not sure how accurate is the translation because the original text also includes neologisms that are intentionally obscure/untranslated.
I had a person for this collaboration but flaked at last minute and i need to send this piece tomorrow so any quick help reading this text will be gladly appreciated. You dont need to make a pro recording, it can be done even with the cellphone and it can be more than 1 person. ALl collaborators will be credited. Also, this vide is not a lucrative endeavor.

For more info about my work check http://hectorllanquin.com/

- here is the english text (corrected):
They told us that a new horizon in the exploration of garnulfas geopolitix will arise from the same place where its resistance was born.
The grandsons of your grandsons who now own a fraction of Araucania Sector 877 will claim those lands as their ancestral property, inherited from the upward mobility of their manifesto destined to the youngest krowt. But everyone around will always have in their memorial the imposition of their idiosyncrasy as a method to erase memorix and build a new market.

- here is the translation:

Ili diris al ni, ke nova horizonto en la tuŝo de garnulfas geopolitix ŝprucos de la sama loko kie lia rezisto naskiĝis.
La nepoj de viaj nepoj kiuj nun posedas frakcio de Araucanía Sektoro 877 postulos tiujn landojn kiel ilia praula posedaĵo, heredita de la supren movebleco de ilia manifesto destinita al la plej juna krowt. Sed ĉiu ĉirkaŭ havos ĉiam en la memoron la altrudo de lia idiosincrasia kiel metodo viŝi memorix kaj konstrui novan merkaton.

i hope someone see this and feel motivated! it will be greatly appreciated

erinja (نمایش مشخصات) 7 آوریل 2016،‏ 20:52:14

There are a lot of errors in the translation, and also some words that were left in English because Google Translate didn't know how to render them in Esperanto (and one -- "allways" -- that was left in English because it was misspelled, should be always, and Google Translate didn't recognize it)

Not sure how much you care about the errors - but if you don't care that there are errors in the translation, you could even read it yourself, because it hardly matters whether the pronunciation is very good, if the text itself is wrong. Google Translate will read it aloud for you and you could repeat that.

llanquin (نمایش مشخصات) 7 آوریل 2016،‏ 21:33:24

erinja:There are a lot of errors in the translation, and also some words that were left in English because Google Translate didn't know how to render them in Esperanto (and one -- "allways" -- that was left in English because it was misspelled, should be always, and Google Translate didn't recognize it)

Not sure how much you care about the errors - but if you don't care that there are errors in the translation, you could even read it yourself, because it hardly matters whether the pronunciation is very good, if the text itself is wrong. Google Translate will read it aloud for you and you could repeat that.
hi, thanks for the quick response! i guess i forgot to mention that i assume the translation would have some errors but didn't noticed the "allways" mistake. Will update that.
I actually do care about the errors and pronunciation which is why i wanted to do this with a person that know Esperanto. thanks!

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