Към съдържанието

La ekzamenoj

от Aaron94, 27 април 2016

Съобщения: 5

Език: English

Aaron94 (Покажи профила) 27 април 2016, 01:28:33

I haven't been on this site in a long time (except just to use the dictionary) and wanted to take the exams to test my level but it seems they are not in working order now. My question is if/when they will be put back up?

Mi ne vizitis ĉi tiun retejon antaŭ longatempe (krom por uzi la vortaron) kaj mi volis preni la ekzamenojn por testi mian nivelon sed ŝajnas ke ili estas neuzeblaj nuntempe. Mia demando jen: ĉu/kiam la ekzamenoj estos reŝaltitaj?

Alkanadi (Покажи профила) 27 април 2016, 06:30:04

Aaron94:I haven't been on this site in a long time (except just to use the dictionary) and wanted to take the exams to test my level but it seems they are not in working order now. My question is if/when they will be put back up?
Any time someone asks about a feature, they normally get a long lecture about how hard it is to implement/maintain.

Maybe, someone will make a quizlet quiz and embed it on the site.

Miland (Покажи профила) 27 април 2016, 07:40:16

I understand that the exams have been taken off because of IT issues. It appears that in the foreseeable future you will have to pay a fee to take exams, whether those of a national association or international ones, at least if you want a certificate.

Alkanadi (Покажи профила) 27 април 2016, 09:21:53

Maybe, you could try these exams:

erinja (Покажи профила) 27 април 2016, 12:56:30

Alkanadi:Any time someone asks about a feature, they normally get a long lecture about how hard it is to implement/maintain.
Nah, you only merit the long lecture if you start to insist that this feature could be implemented in only 10 minutes by a trained monkey, because all you need to do is copy and paste a little code and it is so easy to do it that you should definitely do it right away if only you wanted to.

...everyone else gets the short answer that it's not possible to implement that feature right now because of a pretty brief reason (in this case - new server, old code, too much time required to reprogram the whole system when we are going to be transitioning to a new site in any case)

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