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Created by in Esperanto

dari Zvoc47, 4 Mei 2016

Pesan: 35

Bahasa: English

Zvoc47 (Tunjukkan profil) 4 Mei 2016 15.40.27

How do I say "I've been violated by a car" or "This is created by Mike"? What's the "by" preposition in Esperanto, but where it refers to a person? I don't wanna say "Tiun kreos Mike", but something like "Tiu estas kreita (by) Mike". Is this kind of talk possible?

manfazil (Tunjukkan profil) 4 Mei 2016 16.07.34

Mike kreis tiun. -> Vi fokusas en Mike, kreinto de iu afero.
Tiu estas kreita de Mike. -> Fokuso en tiu objekto, kiu Mike kreis.

eshapard (Tunjukkan profil) 4 Mei 2016 18.20.19

Zvoc47:How do I say "I've been violated by a car" or "This is created by Mike"? What's the "by" preposition in Esperanto, but where it refers to a person? I don't wanna say "Tiun kreos Mike", but something like "Tiu estas kreita (by) Mike". Is this kind of talk possible?
You want to learn how to use passive participles. Yes, you can do this in Esperanto!
  • Translation: I have been violated by a car.
  • Esperanto: Mi estas atencita de aŭto.
  • Semi-translation: I am been-violated by an-auto.
Note: after the passive participle (-ita, -ata, -ota), 'de' denotes who or what did the action.

Hence: Tiu estas kreita de Mike. = This-one is been-created by Mike = This one has been created by Mike.

The choice to use 'de' after the passive participle (instead of a unique preposition) is Zamenhof's and is one of the fundamental rules... I believe.

[Puts on flotation device] Now prepare for a tidal-wave of posts telling you that you shouldn't ever use participles because most Esperanto speakers avoid them and you should sheepishly behave as the rest of the herd does.

mkj1887 (Tunjukkan profil) 11 Mei 2016 15.16.51

manfazil:Mike kreis tiun. -> Vi fokusas en Mike, kreinto de iu afero.
Tiu estas kreita de Mike. -> Fokuso en tiu objekto, kiu Mike kreis.
This is an English-language forum.

mkj1887 (Tunjukkan profil) 11 Mei 2016 15.22.46

Zvoc47:How do I say "I've been violated by a car" or "This is created by Mike"? What's the "by" preposition in Esperanto, but where it refers to a person? I don't wanna say "Tiun kreos Mike", but something like "Tiu estas kreita (by) Mike". Is this kind of talk possible?
It seems like you need a lot of help with your English beforehand. A native speaker of English very likely would react to “I’ve been violated by a car” with laughter, because when the subject of “violated” is a person, “violated” is an euphemism for “raped”. Perhaps what you meant to say was “I’ve been hit by a car”, or, more likely, simply “I was hit by a car”. The translation of “I’ve been hit by a car” is “Mi estas frapita de aŭto” and the translation of “I was hit by a car” is “Mi estis frapita de aŭto”. The sentence “This is created by Mike” is technically correct, but perhaps not what you intended, because it refers to repeated action. Anyway, its translation is “Tio ĉi estas kreata de Mike”. If, as is more likely, you meant “This was created by Mike” (i.e., a one-time event), the translation would be “Tio ĉi estis kreita de Mike.” When “de” alone is ambiguous, as in “a photo of Mike” versus “a photo by Mike” you can use “fare de” - so, “a photo by Mike” would be “foto fare de Mike”.

Zvoc47 (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Mei 2016 14.54.58 From this cartoon, I suppose that violated means flattened.

By violated, I thought about being run over by a car and not hit by a car. To be precise, having tires roll over my body and pressure and damage it with the weight of the whole car. So how do I say that?

Doesn't "Tio cxi estas kreata de Mike" actually mean that this is being created by Mike instead of that this has already been created by Mike and is still created by Mike?

Vestitor (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Mei 2016 19.25.56

Zvoc47: From this cartoon, I suppose that violated means flattened.

By violated, I thought about being run over by a car and not hit by a car. To be precise, having tires roll over my body and pressure and damage it with the weight of the whole car. So how do I say that?
Violated is just not the right word. What you are describing is being 'run over'. It's as simple as that.

mkj1887 (Tunjukkan profil) 13 Mei 2016 20.29.51

Zvoc47: From this cartoon, I suppose that violated means flattened.

By violated, I thought about being run over by a car and not hit by a car. To be precise, having tires roll over my body and pressure and damage it with the weight of the whole car. So how do I say that?

Doesn't "Tio cxi estas kreata de Mike" actually mean that this is being created by Mike instead of that this has already been created by Mike and is still created by Mike?
Cartoons often employ hyperbole, and so you need to be cautious in regard to learning vocabulary from them.

The translation of “I was run over by a car.” is “Mi estis superkurita de aŭtomobilo.”

Yes, “-ata” can also refer to the process of a single creation. If I were wanting to make it clear that a sequence of creations was being referred to, I would say, “Tion ĉi ade kreas Mike.”

Alkanadi (Tunjukkan profil) 15 Mei 2016 07.26.11

Vestitor:Violated is just not the right word. What you are describing is being 'run over'. It's as simple as that.
The word violated sounds like sexual assault. That is what I thought of first. But, how can a car sexual assault someone?

I think you mean:
He was hit by a car.
He was run over by a car.
He got into a car accident.

Normally, we just say hit.

lagtendisto (Tunjukkan profil) 15 Mei 2016 10.53.26

mkj1887:It seems like you need a lot of help with your English beforehand.
Oha. It seems to be that your intercultural skills are not your strength, too.

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