
Writing Style Guide for Esperanto?

NJ Esperantist, 2016年5月20日

讯息: 4

语言: English

NJ Esperantist (显示个人资料) 2016年5月20日下午5:06:05

Is there any sort of writing style guide for Esperanto similar in scope to The Elements of Style by Strunk & White?

A correspondent of mine brought this up because my blog entries (in Esperanto) use the old school method of capitalizing the first and major words of the title and keeping prepositions and such in lower case.

he books I have in Esperanto with chapter titles use all upper case for the titles.

I realize that in the age of the internet the style is currently either just capitalize the first word, or capitalize nothing at all, save proper nouns.


imd (显示个人资料) 2016年5月20日下午5:43:16

NJ Esperantist:Is there any sort of writing style guide for Esperanto similar in scope to The Elements of Style by Strunk & White?
First, The Elements of Style has done more harm than good to the English language. You can read about it on Wikipedia or citations from there.

NJ Esperantist:A correspondent of mine brought this up because my blog entries (in Esperanto) use the old school method of capitalizing the first and major words of the title and keeping prepositions and such in lower case.

he books I have in Esperanto with chapter titles use all upper case for the titles.
This is an Anglophone vs. European thing that has no clear preference in the Esperanto community according to Being Colloquial in Esperanto.

erinja (显示个人资料) 2016年5月20日下午8:29:31

People tend to do what they'd do in their native language.

However, you may be interested to read Monato's style guide.

Take it with a grain of salt, you could hardly take the New York Times style guide and apply it to the whole English language, and Monato is far less influential a publication.

NJ Esperantist (显示个人资料) 2016年5月21日上午1:08:51

I thank you both.
