

글쓴이: cjtsmith, 2016년 7월 17일

글: 3

언어: Esperanto

cjtsmith (프로필 보기) 2016년 7월 17일 오후 1:16:49


I am only been learning Esperanto for two weeks, and I have a question about the verb 'instrui'.

Is the direct object for this verb the person you are teaching, or the thing you are teaching them?

i.e. Is it correct to say 'Mi instruas ilin', with 'ilin' as the object, or is it correct to say 'Mi instruas al ili la francan lingvon' with 'la francan lingvon' as the direct object.

Example sentences on the web seem to use it both ways, like it is in English but I feel that Esperanto is usually more exact as to the meaning of verbs than English.

ESPDIC states that 'instrui' can also mean 'to instruct', which suggests the person you are teaching should the direct object.


Rujo (프로필 보기) 2016년 7월 17일 오후 2:59:40

According to Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, the direct object is the thing and the indirect object is the person. Lau PIV la rekta objekto koncernas al aĵoj kaj la nerekta al estuloj. Ekzemple: Li instruos Esperanton al mi.

cjtsmith (프로필 보기) 2016년 7월 17일 오후 4:27:01


That was my guess, but it is nice to know there is an official answer.


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