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What is the word for "kolacky"?

от Grown, 19 юли 2016

Съобщения: 4

Език: English

Grown (Покажи профила) 19 юли 2016, 08:55:18

What is the word for "kolacky"? I'm having trouble finding more words, so I've needed a bigger dictionary for a while now. I'm having trouble making sense of the Nut Kolacky article:


especially this sentence right here:

"Bring two opposite corners to center, pinch to seal."

What could happen if you try to make the kolacky look like the picture in the Wikipedia article on kolacky?

erinja (Покажи профила) 19 юли 2016, 20:14:07

Esperanto doesn't have a special word for every specific national or regional food. "Nuksa bakaĵo" would be a good term but obviously it is very broad and it would apply to many different pastries.

yyaann (Покажи профила) 20 юли 2016, 16:23:31

I would favour a periphrasis like la nuksa bakaĵo Kolacky. It's clear for both those who know and those who don't know about this pastry.

Grown (Покажи профила) 22 юли 2016, 07:12:17

I looked up periphrasis on English Wikipedia. I didn't understand the article, because I don't know what is "grammatical meaning".

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