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von Alkanadi, 25. Juli 2016

Beiträge: 14

Sprache: English

Alkanadi (Profil anzeigen) 25. Juli 2016 07:02:31

The new lernu site is good. It is more attractive and it appears more functional.

It still lacks encryption. The new course is way too hard for beginners.

jkph00 (Profil anzeigen) 25. Juli 2016 13:44:32

It is obvious a great deal of work went into the new design. Thank you.

Allow me to suggest the navigation bar at the top allowing access to the dictionary might better be locked in place. It gets lost when one scrolls down. That's the first thing I discovered when I started off in the new forum structure. okulumo.gif

hercxjo (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 02:43:20

jkph00:Allow me to suggest the navigation bar at the top allowing access to the dictionary might better be locked in place. It gets lost when one scrolls down. That's the first thing I discovered when I started off in the new forum structure. okulumo.gif
I think that would be a good feature as well, although they have included a link that allows us to open the dictionary in another page/tab.

Alkanadi (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 06:23:15

Typo in the course:

La estas la prezidanto de Usono. = Li estas la usona prezidanto.

Also, is it a good idea to teach the word nigra right away for beginners. It doesn't sound pleasant to north americans. Why don't you just say malblanka.

Alkanadi (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 06:26:05

Alkanadi:Typo in the course:

La estas la prezidanto de Usono. = Li estas la usona prezidanto.

Also, is it a good idea to teach the word nigra right away for beginners. It doesn't sound pleasant to north americans. Lukily, most people won't make it past the numbers lesson so they will never see it.

Vestitor (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 07:03:36

That particular error has already been highlighted.

What makes you believe most people won't make it past lesson two?

Alkanadi (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 14:42:56

Another mistake: La estas la prezidanto de Usono.

On the same page, what does this mean?
Vi estas kun gitaro?

Christa627 (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 14:45:35

Nobody says "malblanka". And not all North Americans feel that way about the word "nigra"; I never thought anything of it.

But I agree that the seemingly endless succession of number excercises was a bit much, and became rather tedious.

Christa627 (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 14:49:43

Yeah, there are several typos and some other errors; I intend to go through and find them again and make a list.

bartlett22183 (Profil anzeigen) 27. Juli 2016 18:38:01

We must realize that words which are perfectly normal, reasonable, and polite in one language may resemble (or be the same as) words which may be, to some, objectionable in another language. I have read, but not confirmed, that the common Esperanto polite word 'dankon' may seem unpleasant to speakers of another major language. I see no way around this. It is just a fact of life in the wider world. For another example, the medieval pronunciation of the fully legitimate and useful Latin word 'scit' resembles a common English vulgarity.

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