Al contingut

I Created A Free Esperanto Game

de GameScarab, 17 d’agost de 2016

Missatges: 19

Llengua: English

Grown (Mostra el perfil) 19 d’octubre de 2016 9.16.55

Vestitor:Taking the mick is cockney rhyming slang: Taking the piss....a piss, a Mickey Bliss...turns into: taking the mick. It means that you wasted a lot of words on your misconception, setting out a lot of pseudo-legal rubbish. If I were you, I'd be feeling a bit of fool right now.

You also seem to have confused psychology/psychiatry. Though they do indeed have elements of pseudo-science about them. I am no fan of them as they are used.

If you are Usonano78 under another name (quite possible), then my assessment hasn't changed: you're politically naive. I understand the motives, but the result is antisocial. I'm not interested in anti-social politics it already dominates and does a lot of harm. More of it is no good to anyone.

If you are not Usonano78, then get your beak out of that (non) issue between him and me.
I didn't agree with the declarative function of the post I just quoted, but I didn't understand the performative content of it, either. Are you just being self-righteous, or are you officially saving face while unofficially just dropping it, or "declaring victory and going home" as it were?

Also, I am not Usonano78, with all that that implies.

Vestitor (Mostra el perfil) 19 d’octubre de 2016 10.05.54

You're talking drivel again man. Are you really unaware that you re-invented 'taking the mick' as an ethnic slur, then produced a heap of mindless pseudo-legal waffle regarding the consequences?

I don't need to 'save face'. If you want to carry on making a complete jackass of yourself in public, please be my guest.

Grown (Mostra el perfil) 20 d’octubre de 2016 6.31.14

Vestitor:You're talking drivel again man. Are you really unaware that you re-invented 'taking the mick' as an ethnic slur, then produced a heap of mindless pseudo-legal waffle regarding the consequences?

I don't need to 'save face'. If you want to carry on making a complete jackass of yourself in public, please be my guest.
"Re-invented". Great. So did you know it was an ethnic slur before, but used it anyway? Neither you nor I have what it takes to make it as ethnic nationalist gangsters, so you can knock off the relentless self-righteousness, the cryptolect-like slang, and the faulting people for not understanding the culture. I don't even know if you're cockney, so if you're not, then all the more reason to knock it off.

And if you're not a fan of them as they are used, then don't ask anyone if they've tried lithium.

Also, you have no idea what political views I may or may not have, so therefore you have no idea what the motives are.

Your disrespect towards Usonano78 and myself is public, and even if it weren't, I was still there, and I would still be on the receiving end of it, so it would still involve me. It's not a non-issue either.

Vestitor (Mostra el perfil) 20 d’octubre de 2016 9.38.29

It wasn't an ethnic slur. That's the point.

The rest of your ramblings are ludicrous and irrelevant.

pikolas (Mostra el perfil) 20 d’octubre de 2016 14.22.58

It would be really neat if you could add this app to ridulo.gif

Vestitor (Mostra el perfil) 20 d’octubre de 2016 18.21.53

I like the look of F droid. Does it have anything like app-ops?

pikolas (Mostra el perfil) 26 d’octubre de 2016 0.44.43

What do you mean?

Vestitor (Mostra el perfil) 26 d’octubre de 2016 10.14.33

The programme or 'app' that lets you switch off permissions on apps.

pikolas (Mostra el perfil) 28 d’octubre de 2016 12.32.18

I don't think so, but I believe CyanogenMod has that feature:

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