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I Created A Free Esperanto Game

fra GameScarab,2016 8 17

Meldinger: 19

Språk: English

GameScarab (Å vise profilen) 2016 8 17 19:07:58

Saluton Lernu.net!

I have been learning Esperanto since the Duolingo course was released and I am really enjoying it. I am finding it so much easier to learn than Spanish and French, both of which I tried to learn before.

However, something I have noticed is the lack of Esperanto games, particularly for mobile phones. There are some games including 'What the Shell' made by Chuck Smith. Evildea has even made a video about this topic - https://youtu.be/DG0cYhM5ndY

So I was inspired by Evildea to include an Esperanto translation in my newest game with help from Chives on Lang-8. To play the game in Esperanto, you need to change the language setting to Esperanto in the options menu.

App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-jetpack-liza...
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com....
Browser: https://gamescarab.itch.io/super-jetpack-lizard

I hope more developers create Esperanto games in the future to help spread the language to a new potential audience. Does anyone know any games with an Esperanto language option?

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 8 17 19:25:54

I don't play phone games, but I don't have anything against other people wanting to play them. I do like retro games though, they remind me of the early 80s. A lizard with a jet-pack is probably what I would have envisaged as ideal in 1982 ridulo.gif

What I really would like is a foolproof method for having the entire phone in Esperanto (as in a language pack, of which there is none in Esperanto for the Samsung galaxy) and an option to have the diacritic letters working on the internal keyboard. The options for that from the play store do not work or are loaded with ads or 'need' permission to spy on everything.

sqrtmg (Å vise profilen) 2016 8 18 22:27:46

I downloaded this onto my iPad and I'm really enjoying it! The translation is pretty nice ("Kontraŭ Fundamento", haha!). There should definitely be more Esperanto games out there. Maybe we should get a team together and grab some ROMs of old-school games...

In fact I think there used to be a Web page with some translations of NES games linked on Don Harlow's site, but it's nowhere to be found nowadays.

Grown (Å vise profilen) 2016 8 20 15:40:10

Technically, the last computer game that I've played and recommend is Floor 13. So there should be an Esperantist working on the fan remake of Floor 13, making sure that the game remains a brutally effective satire. Can you believe that a dire threat to the security of the realm in the game is a few minced oaths and mitigated vulgarities in a theater play by a schoolteacher that the player character has already had discredited? The closest thing to fun in the game is fighting pod people. The game is unwinnable and, despite the occasional funny moment, unfun, and I say that to admire satire. This did not happen to me:


One thing I noticed in the game is that the dead outrank the living. The dead cannot be bribed, blackmailed nor intimidated, like the living, but unlike the living, they cannot be discredited nor interrogated. Heavy assault against their locations accomplishes nothing. The fan remake needs suspects, and the most intractable and resilient possible suspects would be a group of executors of the estates of respective dead people. In The Capital by Karl Marx, one line is, "We suffer not only from the living, but from the dead."

One thing I noticed as absent from the game is impedance. The word "impedance" is not meant electronically. I view impedance as a form of inter-agency rivalry. The vision of impedance the fan remake needs is that it is part of interagency rivalry. The agencies would stonewall each other, and at times through any or even every means available lie to each other, steal each others' secrets and otherwise oppose each other's allies and personnel. The realm's security state and allies would be shown to be untrustworthy, irrational, corrupt and as exhibiting various other traits of unfit allies, and its enemies would mostly be its own former allies that it itself deliberately armed and trained. Its enemies would all have legitimate grievances with the realm - grievances they have abused and exceeded on countless occasions. The security state would be one and the same with its ultimate purpose and ultimate enemy - itself.

Another group of things missing from the game are confrontation theory, microeconomics and mathematical sociology. Using demand and supply curves to figure out that bribing a woman addicted to being interrogated is worth it and reading the report from her bewildered interrogators would be awesome, and the player character asking his blackmailers if they can make copies of proof he is cheating on his wife would also be awesome. I want to see a card table with demands and dilemmas. I want the Director General to bribe, use attested and easily detected and identified propaganda techniques, blackmail and intimidate with dysfunctional and often unsuccessful results. The suspects and other agencies need to have the same methods to use against the DG, the Department, and its personnel. The computer would need scripted campaigns or artificial intelligence - not deep learning, psychology nor neural nets, I hope - to pull this off correctly.

Another thing missing is research and scholarship. Children of a Dead Earth is supposedly based entirely on research - nothing is estimated or guessed, but instead every number and equation is directly from nonfiction. The only thing that is made up is probably the story. If the fan remake were based on research and scholarship, that would make the game much more persuasive, because then the claim that the game is ideologically biased or "not reality" would be a lot more difficult to make. Unlike the subject matter of Children of a Dead Earth however, the State has already done the subject matter of Floor 13 and has landed in the history books, so even the story can be based on real events. Having fixed stories like that would make it a lot easier to write scripted campaigns, making AI unnecessary or less necessary.

Another thing missing is project management theory and incompetence. The security state is, among other things, a workplace, and is capable of every workplace dysfunction and incompetence just like any other. The Director General is, among other things, someone in a chain of command. The Department may avoid, suffer or even seek various workplace dysfunctions. The Department may have various mission objectives, which may involve various irrational, otherwise inept, or deformed conduct, such as making sure that the backers of MPs owed favors profit from the Department, committing excesses to keep alleged "order", actually anger, against misfits and out-groups because war re-elects heads of state, and extradigetically speaking, ensuring that the excesses the Department commits are sufficiently deformed to imitate what happens in the history books.

Another thing missing is anarchists. I do not actually recommend the Xeer, because I find their refusal of testimony from women and the differently abled, and the reason for this of "communal stability", to be all-out ominous. I can understand not accepting testimony from children, but to not accept testimony from women and the differently abled requires a far better reason than "communal stability". Also, Anarcho-communist accomplishments are always usurped by Marxists or unions or destroyed in the end.

Another thing missing is sectioning and anti-psychiatry. And that's all I have to say about that.

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 8 20 16:42:04

Have you tried lithium? (clue: It's not a game).

Grown (Å vise profilen) 2016 8 30 14:36:07

Jesus, man, I only had opinions on the future of some fan remake of an obsolete computer game. There's nothing insane about any of this. In my opinion, you're just jealous that I have such a fertile imagination. You're really irritable. Protip: I'm not usonano78, so don't treat me the way you treated him. He was the one feigning mental illness, not me. What is this on the forums, every eccentric is publicly told they're insane?

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 8 30 21:18:11

Which one is it: eccentricity or a fertile imagination (or a failure to organise thoughts)? You must surely be taking the mick?

I'm positively writhing with jealousy.

Grown (Å vise profilen) 2016 10 18 08:59:34

Vestitor:Which one is it: eccentricity or a fertile imagination (or a failure to organise thoughts)? You must surely be taking the mick?

I'm positively writhing with jealousy.
Which one is what? That was a rhetorical question. In any case, your sarcasm is self-defeating; in my opinion, you are indeed writhing with jealousy, and second of all, you don't take Irishmen, or alleged "mick", as you put it, as unlike lithium, they are not drugs. My comment, or "thoughts", as it were, was entirely organised, even if you can't or won't understand views you don't agree with. Also, you have no qualifications as a psychiatrist whatsoever, and even if you did, psychology still is pseudoscience and involuntary commitment is just political abuse of psychiatry or to support the side in a domestic dispute that is overreacting to a broken promise or is the side that has on it the angry drunk that started it. Involuntary commitment is without any pretext of law. I don't use it, myself, as if I would not want to put any enemies I may have into the same category as the innocent.

I am not a lawyer, but in my lay opinion, your labelling of Irishmen as "mick" is racist; you have clearly and without little, if any, provocation in this venue, severely violated your responsibilities as a user as per section 3, item 2, which is as follows:
It is strictly prohibited to upload the following content (as images, links, photos, forum posts, or other content, including private messages and profile pictures) on the Website and to post, send, link, transmit, promote, offer or otherwise provide it:
content which is pornographic, violent, obscene, sexist, defamatory, [libellous], racist, abusive of members of minority religions or hurtful representations as well as content that violates child protection laws;
You've also made an irrelevant and unnecessary drug reference that borders on a threat to involuntarily commit me. You've exposed those of the forums' readers that are children to this unnecessary drug reference. Your threat is idle, as you don't even know my name nor which city I'm in. If you're trying to enforce Lernu's requirements against my brief, non-document-ending discussions of "heavy assault" and "war", then it would only work or go over well if you'd just cautioned me politely. That which could be your attempt to enforce Lernu's requirement would have circumvented, exceed and abused Lernu's requirements twice consecutively in this case. You've bent Lernu's requirements countless times before and been warned about it. If you're not trying to enforce Lernu's requirements, then instead of, or in addition to, thusly circumventing and abusing Lernu's requirements, then in the same way you've violated Lernu's requirements.

How do I put this as constructive criticism - you've refused warnings before about your conduct, but this definitely merits an additional warning. You merely told Mr. Usonano78 such as that his views are "such nonsense", and to "go back to [his] pretty paintings, because [he is] a much better painter than [a philosopher or something]". You have been disrespectful on countless occasions to anyone on this website that has views with which you disagree, especially when those views are expressed at great length without verbosity. You make no counter-arguments to the views with which you disagree, and you've failed to reply in an interesting manner. Your replies, having no line of reasoning nor high concepts, exhibit a banality that, given your attempt to somehow threaten me in some way, points towards the banality of evil. By that, I do not mean to invoke Mr. Eichmann's trial as evidence of the banality of evil. It was okay that you participated in the discussion about bicycles, but in all but the most technical, annoying, and moderately unacceptable senses, to my knowledge you are not really participating in any other discussions on the forum. Your conduct so far has been both incorrect and wrong.

There are two ways you can handle this. The first way is that you could limit your participation to discussions in which you will be civil. You may have to just ignore discussions that otherwise you would have responded to with your usual lack of respect and lack of intellectual content. You may have to respect those that disagree with you and to admit that the truth is not always immediately obvious, and that merely having misguided views does not mean that someone is dangerous, insane, evil nor stupid.

The second way that you can handle this depends on the fact that you have the ability, but not the permission, to emulate Chuck Entz and do something along the lines of the following links:



I am in no way impressed with this, nor will I in any way be impressed by any use of this second way. Irresponsible, unnecessarily bitter people in power have ejected me from at least five major venues, and if you become one of them, I will not be surprised nor caught unprepared in the least. So surprise me.

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 10 18 20:44:23

Taking the mick is cockney rhyming slang: Taking the piss....a piss, a Mickey Bliss...turns into: taking the mick. It means that you wasted a lot of words on your misconception, setting out a lot of pseudo-legal rubbish. If I were you, I'd be feeling a bit of fool right now.

You also seem to have confused psychology/psychiatry. Though they do indeed have elements of pseudo-science about them. I am no fan of them as they are used.

If you are Usonano78 under another name (quite possible), then my assessment hasn't changed: you're politically naive. I understand the motives, but the result is antisocial. I'm not interested in anti-social politics it already dominates and does a lot of harm. More of it is no good to anyone.

If you are not Usonano78, then get your beak out of that (non) issue between him and me.

Roch (Å vise profilen) 2016 10 19 06:19:03



trying some percent encoding to avoid the lango emoticon... rideto.gif

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