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Manuscript by LLZam discovered

av Miland, 1 april 2008

Meddelanden: 7

Språk: English

Miland (Visa profilen) 1 april 2008 13:46:13

From the Moscow Chronicle of Current Events:

"A sensational find in a city of Bialirus, hidden in the foundations of a medical building were uncovered when city engineers tried to reroute a pipe: the manuscript, entitled 'SEKRETA: REVIZIITA ELDONO DE INTERNACIA LINGVO' which says that it was printed privately in 1908 in only 75 typewritten copies, this one being No. 54, contained a revised edition of 'International Language' by a Dr. Esperanto, in which he said he did not want to reveal his proposed revisions during his lifetime for fear that it would unsettle his fledgling movement, since they had already decided not to change the 'fundamentals'. Unfortunately the small number of people having or knowing about copies, Jewish relatives of the author, probably died during the 1941-45 war. There is now a race to find more copies. The Mondo Esperanta Ligo issued a statement that 'they would under no circumstances depart from the Fundamento, not even if a book by the founder himself were discovered'.
Pressed for more details, the following coded message was revealed in the book:
No one has offered a deciphered version, and
the Russian Esperanto Association has made no comment."


mnlg (Visa profilen) 1 april 2008 15:21:50

Why 23? ridulo.gif

Miland (Visa profilen) 1 april 2008 15:52:35

mnlg:Why 23?
If I understand your question correctly, the answer is: When in Rome, do as the Romans do (or rather, might have). But remember here that modularity permits two alternative ways of looking at it, and you took the harder one.

mnlg (Visa profilen) 1 april 2008 16:04:20

I tried to be positive! Do you think the Romans would have said "-3" ? ridulo.gif

eb.eric (Visa profilen) 1 april 2008 16:40:30

I'm not too sure what's going on... is this an April fools joke? (If so, well done)

Miland (Visa profilen) 1 april 2008 18:52:19

mnlg:Do you think the Romans would have said "-3"
No, but they could well have said 'Shift each letter forward three places' as a method of encipherment. That is the Caesarian cipher.
Here's a wiki article on it:

For anyone still baffled, indeed, it is an April fool joke. To make sure the penny dropped I had an apparent lost text of Zam contain something in English that he probably wouldn't have written. To decipher the message, just shift each letter in the ciphertext back three places (using the English alphabet), so that the plaintext begins THIS IIS CAESARIAN.. the second i in 'is' is to throw you off the scent, naturally.

mnlg (Visa profilen) 1 april 2008 19:15:36

I understood fairly well that it was a cesar cipher (I tried Rot13 first, though). However I solved it by shifting *your* letters forward 23. That's the reason for my first reply. And of course the same can be achieved by shifting them back 3 places.

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