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Does the simplicity of Esperanto verb tenses make its verbs too imprecise?

fra MarcDiaz,2016 9 6

Meldinger: 88

Språk: English

opalo (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 13 13:05:00

The other paragraph you have written is a lie
Kia aŭdaco!

MarcDiaz (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 13 13:14:25

You know, you keep showing your hypocrisy and arrogance with this last use of irony, which doesn't bring us anything new except for confirmation that what I wrote is true, while conveniently omitting those other parts of my post which are also true but not so comortable for your pride and ego.

And you are just confirming what I wrote before. Writing to individuals like you is a waste of time.

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 13 18:30:39

And yet...why do you still fail to realise that the 'imprecision' is all in your head? I've never read of anything from well-known Esperantists (those who are far in advance of either you or me) complaining that Esperanto's verb system has an inability to convey nuance. It may exist, but I've not seen it yet.

Whose pride and ego is actually being bruised? How is it that nearly all respondents contradicting you are deemed to be a 'waste of time'? You may think you're a misunderstood genius, but I'm less certain.

bartlett22183 (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 13 21:36:52

I am beginning to wonder whether people are responding to a troll. On the internet newsgroup soc.culture.esperanto there is someone who shows up from time to time who contradicts nearly everything anyone says positively about Esperanto. It has almost become a matter of "Don't feed the troll." Here numerous posters have left many messages indicating that the E-o verb system, taken in context, has turned out to be fully, positively adequate for all uses to which it has been put, but the original poster seems not to be willing to consider many (or all) of those arguments.

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 13 22:16:04

I'm not keen on branding people as trolls, I'm thinking more along the lines of 'delusions of grandeur'.

nornen (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 14 20:38:00

Getting back on topic. I think the basic problem is the wording of the question.
Does the simplicity of Esperanto verb tenses make its verbs too imprecise?
The thing is, it doesn't matter how precise or how imprecise a language's verbal forms are, because verbs are just one single gear in the greater machinery of language. The important thing is that a statement, an utterance, a sentence, a text be precise. And in order to achieve a given degree of precision, we do not only need verbs, but the whole machinery working in unison.

We have to examine all the different gears (lexicon, morphology, syntax, phonology, pragmatics, etc) together as a whole, and we cannot pick one single element of the machinery and deem it precise or imprecise, adequate or inadequate.

EN: I smoke. I am smoking.
DE: Ich rauche. I rauche gerade.

In this example English encodes more information in the verb[1], while German conveys the same information by means of an adverb. My point is, that not all languages encode the same feature on the same gears. Concerning verbal morphology, some languages encode the subject (llamo, llamas, llama), others encode the object (xinril, xatril, xril), some encode passive (vocor, vocaris, vocatur), some encode medium (βούλομαι, synes), some encode anti-passive (xin'ilok, xat-ilok, x'ilok), some encode negation (飲まない), some encode tense (do, did), some encode aspect, some encode movement, some encode....
However if a given language doesn't encode a certain feature by means of verbal morphology, this same feature will be represented elsewhere (syntax, nominal morphology, lexicon, ...). No information is lost and the same degree of precision is maintained.

As long as an utterance, a text, a scientific paper in Esperanto (or any language) can achieve the same degree of precision as English (or any other language), it does not matter at all whether the information is encoded in verb forms or adverbs or stress or word order or tone or choice of vocabulary.

Polish has seven cases. Esperanto has two. Does the simplicity of Esperanto's declension make its nouns too imprecise? No, it doesn't. The information is just hidden somewhere else, mostly in prepositions.
Japanese inflects adjectives for tense and negation. Esperanto doesn't. Does the simplicity of Esperanto's adjectives make its adjectives too imprecise? No, it doesn't. The information is just hidden somewhere else, mostly in auxiliary verbs.
Q'eqchi' inflects nouns for alienable and inalienable possession. Esperanto doesn't. Does the simplicity of Esperanto's nouns make its nouns too imprecise? No, it doesn't.

One mustn't take one single gear or spring or odd metal bit from a disassembled watch and claim that this single piece is too simple for measuring time. (No, I am not a creationist.)

So if any, the question should read "Does the simplicity of Esperanto (in its wholeness) make it too imprecise?"
I personally answer nay.

[1] Actually it doesn't. "Am smoking" is periphrastic, which is half way between morphology and syntax, leaning a bit more toward syntax.

nornen (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 14 21:43:00

Do compound tenses in Esperanto actually add more precision, or do they just sow more misunderstandings?

The basic problem is, that there is no real consensus what the compound tenses mean. The first question is whether the participles express aspect or relative tense. There have been lengthy discussion about this on lernu. (For instance, Bertilo Wennergren interprets the participles as both temporal and aspectual in the lernu grammar, while Kirilo argued that they show relative tense. Kirilo please correct me if I misquoted you.)

The more important aspect however is, whether the reader (or listener) is able to decode the fine meaning the writer (or speaker) put into the compound tenses.

Several languages have compound tenses, for example one compound tense formed by an auxiliary verb (mostly something like esti or havi) and a nominal form of a verb (participle, infinitive, other):

I saw. - I have seen.
Ich sah. - Ich habe gesehen.
Je vis. - J'ai vu.
Vidi. - Ho visto.
Vi. - He visto.
Vidi (classical). - Habeo vistum (vulgaris).
Mi vidis. - Mi estas vidinta.

Now the problem is that the compound forms don't necessarily mean the same in the different languages. In German, Italian, French and Latin the only difference is either the register of the speech or the region of the speaker. In these languages both forms can be used almost interchangeably. However in English and Spanish there is a strict difference in meaning between the two forms; you cannot replace one with the other. Even worse: the English "I have seen" cannot be mapped exactly onto the Spanish "he visto", or vice versa.

And this is what I fear can give rise to misunderstanding.

Let's say an American Spanish speaker (YMMV in Europe) wants to say in Esperanto (a) "no lo hice" and (b) "no lo he hecho" (two different meanings). An inexperienced Esperantist might then jump to a hasty conclusion: "Hey, Esperanto has a verbal form "estas farinta" which looks quite like "he hecho", so for (a) I will use "mi ne faris ĝin" and for (b) I will use "mi ne estas farinta ĝin". And he might be even proud of himself for having expressed this fine distinction so neatly. However, big however, will the German, English, Polish or Japanese Esperantist who reads these two sentences be able to guess the intended difference? Or will the information just be lost?

Or translating "I realised, that I had been being watched" as "Mi eksciis, ke mi estis estanta/inta rigardata/ita." might not have the desired effect.

Whenever someone tried to put information about aspect or aktionsart into compound tenses, in my opinion, they should double-check whether an arbitrary reader will be able to get the intended meaning. If there is even a minuscule doubt that the reader might not get this information, it might be better to stick to simple tenses and adverbs or to rephrase the whole sentence. Just my two cents.

Are there occasions where the usage of compound tenses is indispensable in Esperanto?

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 15 00:07:02

nornen:Do compound tenses in Esperanto actually add more precision, or do they just sow more misunderstandings?
I don't think I am at the level in Esperanto to make a full judgement about how useful the compound tenses are, but they seem to offer the same sorts of double-take uncertainty as similar constructions in other languages I know. This is especially so when I read through people's posts and think to myself: 'I'd have understood it to mean the same thing if you'd just used a simple verb or construction'. Then again there is the obvious problem (which the OP rather inflated) that I may just be failing to see why the construction was chosen and therefore missing some nuance.

On the whole though I feel the simple tenses make for clearer understanding and there is too much emphasis placed upon trying to pack as much meaning as possible into small packages. It means you spend about as much time unravelling all that meaning as you would just having a few more explanatory sentences. This is not just an issue for Esperanto.

I don't think "I realised, that I had been being watched" even has the desired effect in English. It is clunky in the way "I had had three cups of tea' is. It ought to be a relief really when people realise that such tenses can add more confusion than meaning. Law of diminishing returns in some cases.

sffunt3 (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 18 01:26:52

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sffunt3 (Å vise profilen) 2016 9 18 01:27:12

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