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Esperanto to English Dictionary

од Docxjo, 29. април 2008.

Поруке: 5

Језик: English

Docxjo (Погледати профил) 29. април 2008. 09.41.28

I am looking for a good Esperanto to English dictionary. I have the Benson CEED as well as the PIV, but I keep going to the computer for my Esperanto to English words. Can anyone recommend a decent Esperanto to English dictionary that would compliment my current set of resources?


awake (Погледати профил) 29. април 2008. 10.45.13

If you can find it, the Teach Yourself Esperanto Dictionary is quite good. It's out of print but sometimes shows up on abebooks.com ridulo.gif.

Docxjo:I am looking for a good Esperanto to English dictionary. I have the Benson CEED as well as the PIV, but I keep going to the computer for my Esperanto to English words. Can anyone recommend a decent Esperanto to English dictionary that would compliment my current set of resources?


awake (Погледати профил) 29. април 2008. 10.47.01

Docxjo:I am looking for a good Esperanto to English dictionary. I have the Benson CEED as well as the PIV, but I keep going to the computer for my Esperanto to English words. Can anyone recommend a decent Esperanto to English dictionary that would compliment my current set of resources?

P.S. I assume you also know about the reta vortaro, an excellent online Esperanto dictionary. If not find it here:


erinja (Погледати профил) 29. април 2008. 12.46.13


I recommend the Esperanto-English dictionary by Montague Butler.

trojo (Погледати профил) 29. април 2008. 14.25.28


I recommend the Esperanto-English dictionary by Montague Butler.
Yeah, I have this one and recommend it also.

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