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від Alkanadi, 1 грудня 2016 р.

Повідомлення: 4

Мова: English

Alkanadi (Переглянути профіль) 1 грудня 2016 р. 07:47:13

Lots of people ask how to write Esperanto letters in Windows. I created a very simple HTML program that will do this easily. You write the text with the x-system and then the program adds the hats. I hope that others will help improve the program. It is free and open source. You don't need to install anything. Just download the file and open it as you would any webpage. https://github.com/alkanadi/E-Hats

Roch (Переглянути профіль) 3 грудня 2016 р. 01:18:11

The way that I worked that out, is that I made an html page of your program, on my desktop. So I can write with x's but also paste an entire text that it will convert after that we hit enter! I also modified it in an other html document to convert the h system. Thank you very much, Alkanadi!


Oh! I just catched that I should have used the "Clone or download" button and then "Download ZIP"! okulumo.gif

thyrolf (Переглянути профіль) 3 грудня 2016 р. 09:10:14

since long time there exists already the following transormer from x-writing to hats-writing
(not transformed are the words: Benelux, Bordeaux, Cuxhaven, Linux, Luxemburg, Luxus, luxuriös, Quadux, Sioux.):


write x-text, press button "Abschicken und Umwandeln" (send and transform)

another program like this is to be found - I think - on some Belgic page.

Alkanadi (Переглянути профіль) 4 грудня 2016 р. 15:15:25

thyrolf:since long time there exists already the following transormer from x-writing to hats-writing...
But isn't mine so much simpler. Also, mine is opensource. Maybe one day it will be a massive program with several features.

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