
Is there a way to download the Grammar section of the site to print into print-form?

貼文者: fireflyprose, 2016年12月26日

訊息: 5

語言: English

fireflyprose (顯示個人資料) 2016年12月26日下午4:33:20

Saluton! Good evening everyone,

I used to be a Beginner learner and lover of Esperanto and would love to rekindle that love for this marvelous language (everything about it, especially its aims and what it represents simply fascinates me). I dislike/ have eye aches when using the internet too regularly or reading online/ on the computer. So, I was wondering if there was a print- or "book-" version of the Grammar section of this site that I could print and bind and learn in my own time, away from the computer/phone?

Thank you all for any advice or information or replies you may give me.



bartlett22183 (顯示個人資料) 2016年12月27日下午6:17:26

Second the motion! ridulo.gif I once downloaded the then Lernu! grammar from the "old" website, but being able to have a compact printable form would be a great advantage for people who like to sit in their soft chair with music playing and the cat in their lap ridulo.gif and study at their leisure. Not everyone likes to do lessons online.

Kirilo81 (顯示個人資料) 2017年1月3日下午2:11:48

bartlett22183 (顯示個人資料) 2017年1月4日下午6:23:14

Thank you for the reference. However, this printed book costs €9,00 and requires ordering from a foreign source, which may be difficult for some people. Previously on lernu! there was a way to download the grammar without charge so that a user could print it out him/herself. I think this is what the original poster was inquiring about.

bartlett22183 (顯示個人資料) 2017年1月4日下午7:08:07

Hello, again. I just looked back into my computer files and found a downloaded copy of the lernu! grammar, all in Esperanto, of course. It is 211 pages, 1.20MB in size. The date is © lernu! 2006. It is described as:

"La lernu!-gramatiko estas mallongigita versio de PMEG, la Plena Manlibro
de Esperanta Gramatiko. Por pli detalaj informoj ĉiam indas konsulti PMEG-on:
http://bertilow.com/pmeg/”. La lernu!-gramatiko tamen uzas tradiciajn
gramatikajn esprimojn (kiel “akuzativo”, “substantivo”, “predikativo” k.t.p.),
kiuj ne aperas en PMEG."

If you are interested and your email agent can handle very large files (as an attachment it would be about 1.6MB), I may be able to send it to you. The private messaging application here on lernu! seems to be broken, and I prefer not to publish openly my primary email address, but I do have a secondary email address at slyphnoyde@gmail.com which I check at least once a day. If you are interested, contact me there, and we can see if something can be worked out. (I don't know whether I can even send such a large file, but I might be able temporarily to put it in a webspace whence you could fetch it.) Again, I concur that it would be a very good thing if this grammar could be made available whole on lernu!.
