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Theory of Constraints, and the argument for Esperanto

од mkj1887, 02. фебруар 2017.

Поруке: 2

Језик: English

mkj1887 (Погледати профил) 02. фебруар 2017. 00.26.41

In the Wikipedia has an article on the Theory of Constraints, the section on
Thinking processes’ has five steps reminiscent of the step-by-step argument
that Zamenhof employed in his essay “Esenco kaj Estonteco de la Ideo de
Lingvo Internacia

1. Gain agreement on the problem
2. Gain agreement on the direction for a solution
3. Gain agreement that the solution solves the problem
4. Agree to overcome any potential negative ramifications
5. Agree to overcome any obstacles to implementation

Roch (Погледати профил) 02. фебруар 2017. 04.47.27

Well, I quickly "looked for" konsenti and gajni and haven't found anything special... You mean that we have to read all the pdf?

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