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How do you say ‘ergodic’ in Esperanto?

by mkj1887, May 20, 2017

Messages: 3

Language: English

mkj1887 (User's profile) May 20, 2017, 12:04:36 AM

- as in ‘Ergodic Theory’.
It’s not in any of the standard English-Esperanto references that I use (Benson, Wells, Vikivortaro, Vikipedio, ReVo, Sonja). Would it be ‘ergoda’? But ‘ergoda’ is not recognized by PIV. Is it a neologism waiting to be coined? It’s non-recognition by PIV would suggest that that spot in PIV is just waiting for it.

noelekim (User's profile) May 20, 2017, 2:56:04 AM

"Ŝiaj esploraj temoj inkluzivas Teichmüller-teorion, hiperbolan geometrion, ergodikan teorion kaj simplektikan geometrion."

mkj1887 (User's profile) May 20, 2017, 9:10:00 PM

noelekim:"Ŝiaj esploraj temoj inkluzivas Teichmüller-teorion, hiperbolan geometrion, ergodikan teorion kaj simplektikan geometrion."
Multan dankon! Ŝi rememorigas min pri Alia Sabur.

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