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mutual assistance

від keithwood57, 24 серпня 2017 р.

Повідомлення: 1

Мова: English

keithwood57 (Переглянути профіль) 24 серпня 2017 р. 14:19:12

I wonder if I might ask for advice?
I am a long time learner of Esperanto, but I am VERY bad at it. Over many months now I have abandoned all attempts too improve my use of the language.
However, I recently met a man who has just started to learn Esperanto, and he seems very keen.
So I, perhaps foolishly, given my record, asked him if he would like to meet every two weeks or so to help each other to improve.
So, the question that I have is, has anyone advice on how to structure the discussion? We shall only have an hour or so, therefore it would be foolish not use the time wisely.
I would appreciate advice.
Thank you

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