Đi đến phần nội dung

Beggnner Level Translation Practice requires Checking.

viết bởi bsandeepan95, Ngày 27 tháng 12 năm 2017

Tin nhắn: 2

Nội dung: English

bsandeepan95 (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 16:47:35 Ngày 27 tháng 12 năm 2017

Saluton! I am Sandeepan and I am a beginner in Esperanto. I have translated these lines below in Esperanto. I am almost certain that there is no error but if you can kindly examine my exercise and let me know if I made any mistake, that would be very helpful. Dankon!

Leciono 01 - Paĝo 12

Translate to Esperanto

1. The tea is warm.
La teo estas varma.

2. The teacher is a father.
La instruisto estas patro.

3. Your father is good.
Via patro estas bona.

4. The new teachers will be good.
La novaj instruistoj estos bona.

5. My brother will be a teacher.
Mia frato estos instruisto.

6. Your sons will be friends.
Viaj filoj estos amikoj.

7. The cakes were good.
La kukoj estis bona.

8. The bread is dry.
La pano estas seka.

9. The new boy was my friend.
La nova knabo estis mia amiko.

10. The boys will be great friends.
La knaboj estos grandaj amikoj.

Balbutanto (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 18:22:33 Ngày 27 tháng 12 năm 2017

4. The new teachers will be good.
La novaj instruistoj estos bonaj.

7. The cakes were good.
La kukoj estis bonaj.

You're doing good, Sandeepan!

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