Al la enhavo

Name of country

de Trivago, 2018-marto-10

Mesaĝoj: 4

Lingvo: English

Trivago (Montri la profilon) 2018-marto-10 15:11:45

There are two way to express the name of a country and its citizens
One uses suffix (-an-) to express about people
Another one uses (-uj-) to express about country
I have no idea why to separate it in two part, it's of no use to simplify Esperanto grammar

Metsis (Montri la profilon) 2018-marto-10 20:48:55

Country names and peoples is one of the most frequently repeating topics in E-o forums. Simply put, Z. could not see beyond Europe and his time.

There is a gratis booklet titled Konciza klarigo pri la landonomoj en Esperanto by Anna Löwenstein (öwenstein) explaining the current system. Current in the sense, that it includes the latest rulings of UEA.

Personally I would like to have a clear separation between citizen and ethnic group, so that -ano would always denote citizen. For instance,

  • Germanio (or Germanujo): Germany
  • germanano: citizen of Germany
  • germanoj, turkoj, italoj, grekoj, poloj: ethnic groups in Germany

  • Tajlando: Thailand
  • tajlandano: citizen of Thailand (korektita 2018-03-11)
  • tajoj, ĉinoj, laŭoj, malajoj, kmeroj, karenoj, hmongoj, monoj: ethnic groups in Thailand

nornen (Montri la profilon) 2018-marto-11 19:14:12

Metsis: tajvanano: citizen of Thailand
Mi supozas, ke vi intencis skribi "tajlandano" anstataŭ "tajvanano".

Metsis (Montri la profilon) 2018-marto-11 21:10:03

Metsis: tajvanano: citizen of Thailand
Mi supozas, ke vi intencis skribi "tajlandano" anstataŭ "tajvanano".
Vi pravas, mia eraro. Pardonu. Mi korektis.

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