Fantasy Monster Names (D&D, Pathfinder)
ca, kivuye
Ubutumwa 5
ururimi: English
Oŝo-Jabe (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 17 Mukakaro 2018 23:03:46
- Animal, small (badger) - Besto, malgranda (melo)
- Ankheg - Anĥego
- Bugbear - Koŝmarulo ["Bugbear" is related to "Boogeyman", and I think this captures that sense.]
- Choker - Strangolanto
- Deinonychus - Deinoniko
- Dire Rat - Giganta Rato
- Earth Elemental - Terelementulo, Tera Elementulo
- Gargoyle - Groteskulo, Groteskfiguro, Statuaĉo ["Gargojlo" is a false friend, and is some kind of water spout.]
- Gelatinous Cube - Gelateneca Kubo
- Goblin - Goblino, Gobleno, Koboldo [Most dictionaries give "koboldo" as the translation of "goblin", but D&D/Pathfinder both use "kobold" for a different monster. One Esperanto translation of The Hobbit used "gobleno" and "hobgobleno", but Drakoj already use "la goblina" for the goblin language so it might be worth following its example although I don't see too much of a problem with the language being "la goblina" and the people who speak it being koŝmaruloj, goblenoj, and hobgoblenoj.]
- Griffon - Grifo
- Hell Hound - Inferhundo
- Hill Giant - Monteta Giganto
- Hobgoblin - Hobgoblino, Hobgobleno, Goblinego, Goblenego [See Goblin]
- Human Commoner - Homa Plebano
- Insect, small (spider) - Insekto, malgranda (araneo)
- Kobold - koboldo, draketaĉulo, drakeculo [Little lizard/dragon people isn't usually what "koboldo" means, so if we give "koboldo" to goblins we might have to come up with another name for these creatures.]
- Ogre - Ogro
- Orc - Orko, Aŭrko [Drakoj uses "duonorko" for half-orc, so I will probably follow them here, but I believe one Esperanto translation of Lord of the Rings uses Aŭrko.]
- Owlbear - Strigurso
- Rust Monster - Rustmonstro
- Shadow - Ombro, Ombrulo
- Skeleton - Skeleto
- Stirge - Giganta Kulo, Monstra Kulo, Strigkulo, Stirĝo
- Stone Golem - Ŝtona Golemo
- Troll - Trolo
- Vampire - Vampiro
- Werewolf - Homlupo
- Wight - Dolmenulo, Kadavro [The first is from the Esperanto translation for Lord of the Rings for "barrow-wight"]
- Wolf - Lupo
- Wyvern - Viverno
- Zombie - Zombio
impaisley (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 3 Kigarama 2023 02:03:14
Mplmcconnell (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 6 Kigarama 2023 04:17:28
Mimic - Imitisto?
Devil - Diablo
Imp - Diableto?
Demon - Demono
UnikorNoo (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 14 Munyonyo 2024 22:13:54
Tiefling - profundido (se ni komencas de la germana etimologio "tief" + "-ling")
Dragonborn - drakonaskito
Avariel - flugilulelfo (traduko) au avarielo (esperantigo)
Alie, kie ni estas en la eldono D&D 2024 ?
UnikorNoo (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 14 Munyonyo 2024 23:41:37