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Worksheets for Lernu?

از blindcat972, 26 ژوئیهٔ 2018

پست‌ها: 2

زبان: English

blindcat972 (نمایش مشخصات) 26 ژوئیهٔ 2018،‏ 20:22:03

Has anyone created or found worksheets that match up (at least roughly) to Lernu's course? I've just returned to learning Esperanto after a long absence, and I'm trying to teach my spouse as well, but they really want more practice before moving onto new lessons. Lernu doesn't give much practice at all before piling on new information, which is great to learn fast, but not so good if you need more.

I might make some worksheets myself if there aren't any yet, but I'm not really suited to that kind of thing. The quality might suffer a bit...

sergejm (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژوئیهٔ 2018،‏ 4:49:43

At first, try to translate my recomendations:
Skribu ĉi tie em la forumo, ne angle sed Esperante - tio estos lecionoj de skibado.
Legu librojn, ekzemple kiuj ĉeestas en tekstaro.com - lecionoj de legado.
Trovu amikon kun kiu vi parolos Esperanto, prefere ne anglalingvano - praktiko de voĉa parolo. Atentu nombrojn, kiuj oni legante vidas kiel ciferoj.
Per ordinaraj kursoj vi ne lernos lingvon - ajnan, ne nur Esperanton, necesas praktiki.

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