
Only bathe between the yellow and red flags

글쓴이: sudanglo, 2018년 8월 8일

글: 19

언어: English

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2018년 8월 24일 오후 12:52:44

But isn't ruĝflava just an abbreviated form of ruĝa-flava?
Not really.

Yes, parts of speech endings may be inserted in some compounds to facilitate pronunciation, and in such cases there can be little difference in meaning between those words and the compound created by prefixing with the nude root.

However prefix use is certainly well established in the field of colour variations, so that I think that most Esperantists would immediately understand words like vinruĝa or bluverda to be variants of ruĝa and verda.

To indicate that a flag is of two separate colours something else has to be done.

Altebrilas (프로필 보기) 2018년 8월 25일 오후 9:12:53

Mi kredas, ke mi iom rapide respondis kiam mi parolis pri la franca lingvo (kaj mia supozo, ke Esperanto funkcias same). La reguloj estas malsimplaj, kaj iujkaze la adjektivoj estas nevarieblaj: Vidu tiun ligilon (en la franca):


I fear I answered too quickly when I spoke about french language (and my assuption about esperanto working the same way). The rules are complex and in some cases the adjectives are invariable. (See the above link in french)

This link is relevant, too (see paragraph 1.7):

Altebrilas (프로필 보기) 2018년 8월 25일 오후 9:16:52

Btw, how many basic colors in esperanto? English and french have eleven. I suppose that the number for eo is eight: White, black, red, blue, green, yellow, gray and brown. "rozkolora" or "oranĝkolora" are not basic.

trojo (프로필 보기) 2018년 9월 5일 오후 11:30:47

Btw, how many basic colors in esperanto? English and french have eleven. I suppose that the number for eo is eight: White, black, red, blue, green, yellow, gray and brown. "rozkolora" or "oranĝkolora" are not basic.
Purpura (purple) is another basic color, yes?

Metsis (프로필 보기) 2018년 9월 6일 오전 6:22:16

Altebrilas:Btw, how many basic colors in esperanto? English and french have eleven. I suppose that the number for eo is eight: White, black, red, blue, green, yellow, gray and brown. "rozkolora" or "oranĝkolora" are not basic.
Dependas de, kiel vi difinas "bazan koloron". Kolorteorie "blanka" kaj "nigra" ne estas koloroj, sed ili estas tutaj resp. neniuj ondoj de lumo.

Ĉu "griza" estas koloro aŭ tono de nigra? Ĉu ĉi tio koncernas ĉiujn 50 tonojn de griza? ridulo.gif

En la kunteksto de pentraĵoj la bazaj koloroj estas blua, flava kaj ruĝa – blanka kaj nigra ekzistas por toni. En kunteksto de ekranoj la bazaj koloroj estas ruĝa, verda kaj blua (t.n. RGB-koloroj).

Ŝajnas al mi, ke vi difinas "bazan koloron", kiel ne-kunmetita vorto. Do, ĉu "viola" estas baza aŭ nur formo de "violkolora"? Ĉu "purpura" estas baza aŭ alia nomo de "siringokolora"?

Ĉu "malva", "magenta" aŭ "fuksino" estas propra koloro aŭ tono de blua?

Mi ne kredas, ke ekzistas ia E-a kolormodelo de Z aŭ de iu alia aŭtoritata fonto. Temas, kiel homoj perceptas kolorojn. Vidu filmeton (en la angla) en Jutubo.

Davet1986 (프로필 보기) 2018년 9월 7일 오전 3:10:08

If you see a warning message before you look for the flag, you may think that one flag is red and the other yellow. However, both flags are red and yellow. Casino Online

Davet1986 (프로필 보기) 2018년 9월 7일 오전 3:15:01

Kantoj14:But isn't ruĝflava just an abbreviated form of ruĝa-flava? Both the dash and the first ending are considered optional to make room for whichever method is easier to read/pronounce. If they didn't have the same meaning, then those would no longer be optional, because the meaning would change based on which one you use, not just the ease of pronunciation.
If you see a warning message before you look for the flag, you may think that one flag is red and the other yellow. However, both flags are red and yellow.
Casino Online

Altebrilas (프로필 보기) 2018년 9월 8일 오전 9:09:20

Sorry, I forgot the link:

I have not seen often "purpura" in Esperanto manuals for beginners, at least for french people. I wonder whether it is the case in other bilingual teachbooks.

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2018년 9월 8일 오전 10:45:48

What is a basic colour word? I suppose that any colour term (not a compound) that refers to a colour in the rainbow could be considered basic.

By that definition 'orange' is a basic colour word and 'brown' or 'beige' isn't.

On the other hand you might prefer as your criterion whether reference in the definition is usually made to other colour words.

For example 'blue' is a basic colour term because the definition refers to things typically of that colour, and is not explained in terms of other colours - unlike for example magenta.

On both definitions of basic, 'pink' is not a basic colour.

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