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Saying please

Skully101, 2019 m. kovas 6 d.

Žinutės: 8

Kalba: English

Skully101 (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 6 d. 02:24:16

Hello I am looking for clarification. The translation for "please" is " mi petas" which translates to "I ask"
Could I instead use "por favoro" or "for a favor"?
My family is italian and they use "per favore"
Any input or thoughts are appreciated!

sergejm (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 6 d. 04:10:53

If common phrase without "please" is "...u!", change it to "bonvolu ...i!":
"Bonvolu doni al mi kuleron!" - "Give me a spoon, please!"
"Jen estas via kulero, prenu!" - "Here is your spoon!"
"Dankon!" - "Thank you!"
"Ne dankinde!"

nikhil (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 6 d. 07:39:55

You can use Bonvolu but not Por favoro

Metsis (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 6 d. 10:15:07

What form of politeness to use is a cultural thing and as such there is no simple answer. As others have pointed out bonvolu is a useful expression, but there are also others.
  • Bonvolu doni al mi kuleron is perhaps the most used way.
  • Ĉu vi povus doni al mi kuleron? uses the us-form to soften the request.
  • Donu al mi kuleron, mi petas uses the "mi petas" as a substitute for bitte/please/per favore/por favor. This might sound awkward for those, whose native language doesn't have this kind of construction.
  • Donu al mi kuleron uses nothing, which in some cultures is considered as neutral, because it doesn't contain any intensifier making it a command.

amigueo (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 6 d. 10:54:48

i feel the lack of "bitaŭ" (from German bitte)

mi ricevas vian dankon pozitive, iel mi dankas ke vi dankis. tio estas la signifo de "bitaŭ"


Skully101 (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 7 d. 04:01:58

Why does everyone always put an "u" in the word "bonvolu"
shouldn't be bonvole because please is an adverb?

Metsis (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 7 d. 11:11:32

Skully101:Why does everyone always put an "u" in the word "bonvolu"
shouldn't be bonvole because please is an adverb?
Don't translate word for word, because different languages use different ways to encode things.

The base word is voli, to want, to wish. Bonvoli is a combination of bona (good) and voli, to want good, or more precisely

Esti tiel bona, ke oni afable konsentas according to PIV

When you ask, request someone to do or be something, make a petition thereof, you actually urge that person "estu tiel bona, ke...", i.e. bonvolu.

Bonvole as an adverb means in a bonvola way. For instance

Ri bonvole faris tion.

"They (sg.) made that willingly/with benevolence/with pleasure." Note, that in E-o adverbs are considered to be descriptions of verbs, so they are usually put just before the verb they describe. The English usage is different.

novatago (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. kovas 10 d. 11:44:08

Skully101:Why does everyone always put an "u" in the word "bonvolu"
shouldn't be bonvole because please is an adverb?
Ĉi tie vi havas eksplikon pri tio, kion oni faras aŭ povas fari: https://bertilow.com/pmeg/gramatiko/verboj/vola.ht...

Kaj bonvole ne atentu la uzanton amigueo (kiu scias nenion pri Esperanto) nek la neesperantaĵojn de Metsis, kiu ne komprenas la pronomon "li".

Ĝis, Novatago (blogo / 7 + 1)

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