Messages: 9
Language: English
DaDane (User's profile) July 10, 2008, 5:35:27 PM
I would like to study those words to get startet in Esperanto.
(Jes, mi estas komencanto de Esperanto kaj jes, mi studas Ana Pana kaj "free esperanto course")
Miland (User's profile) July 10, 2008, 5:50:35 PM
Also, Zlakto's textbook (by Imbert as the first author) is in the UEA catalogue:
alexbeard (User's profile) July 19, 2008, 7:54:58 PM
alexbeard (User's profile) July 22, 2008, 11:55:55 PM
DaDane (User's profile) July 23, 2008, 4:08:45 PM
Miland:Here's a list that includes the combined vocabularies of Zagreb, Gerda Malaperis and Kontakto, all worth having:Thanks a lot Miland,
Also, Zlakto's textbook (by Imbert as the first author) is in the UEA catalogue:
I have seen the list and even writting with the guy.
I have learned, - but still haven't got the frequency list. But I guess I am not really going to need it anyway.
(I am learning Esperanto here on Lernu and are starting up a course in my hometown where a local guy who knows Esperanto very well will teach)
erinja (User's profile) July 23, 2008, 5:12:18 PM
It also indicates transitivity of verbs (verbs marked with -n are transitive)
The list is found at
The word learning section, which includes word learning exercises for the Juna Amiko words, are found here:
Frano (User's profile) September 9, 2020, 11:25:52 AM
Zam_franca (User's profile) September 9, 2020, 3:11:18 PM
Frano:Zlatko Tišljar forpasis la 8n de septembro 2020Li ne estu forgesita

Urho (User's profile) September 11, 2020, 11:39:45 AM
> lernu! → Bibtioteko → La Zagreba metodo
> bv. vidi ankaŭ Esperanto en 12 tagoj
> Zlatko Tišljar: Zagreba metodo (Ipernity)
> Listo de Zlatko Tišljar (Tezaüro de UEA)