לתוכן העניינים

Catholic prayers in Esperanto?

של Shawna, 9 באוגוסט 2006

הודעות: 3

שפה: English

Shawna (הצגת פרופיל) 9 באוגוסט 2006, 21:37:01

I was wondering, does anyone know if there's been translations of the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary in Esperanto? I'm trying to come up wit ones on my own, and I want to see if I'm anywhere close.

Mainly, I'm trying to see if I can come up with a way to say the Rosary in Esperanto, as speaking practice. Would be neat!


erinja (הצגת פרופיל) 9 באוגוסט 2006, 22:34:02

Shawna:I was wondering, does anyone know if there's been translations of the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary in Esperanto? I'm trying to come up wit ones on my own, and I want to see if I'm anywhere close.
I can do you one better than that. Here's the entire Rosary in Esperanto. I found it at the website of the IKUE (an association of catholic esperantists)


I must admit that I giggled a little when I saw they translated "Hail Mary" as "Saluton Maria". Sounds a little less than dignified! Though certainly "saluton" is a perfectly good translation for the latin "ave"


Shawna (הצגת פרופיל) 10 באוגוסט 2006, 04:20:45

Thanks...I know it sounded silly, but I figured that it would give me practice in speaking Esperanto...and God understands me no matter what I speak!


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